US and European Allies Have ‘Very Reliable’ Intel That China May Send Russia Military Aid

The United States and European Union fear that despite Beijing’s squeamishness over the optics of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China’s communist leaders are about to provide Russia with much needed assistance. The development, allegedly from “very reliable evidence” contrasts sharply with President Xi Jingpin’s reassurances earlier today that war in Ukraine “is not something China […]

In Case You Missed It: Jesse Watters Blasts Members of Congress for Pre-War Stock Trading

The host of Fox News’ “Jesse Watters Primetime” called out members of Congress who appear to have engaged in insider trading ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In his show’s opening monologue, Watters calls out both Democratic and Republican representatives for trading stocks in energy and defense companies, saliently pointing out “It doesn’t matter what […]

Clarence Thomas Wants Section 230 Reform

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently hinted that Section 230, “the twenty-six words that created the internet” could be up for some changes if he has anything to say about it. Section 230, in simple terms, grants immunity from civil liability for third-party content hosted on “interactive computer services.” In practice, it basically means that […]

The Roff Draft: The Congressional Carbuncle Strikes Again

Washington, D.C. – As it is on the brink of retaking power in Congress, the conservative coalition needs to start asking tough questions about what it stands for and how it operates. It also needs to consider the easy ones, like what is and what is not acceptable and in which direction it wants to train […]

Conservative Claims He Can End Socialist Occupation of Historically Republican Orange County

Congressional Democrats have a well-documented predilection for impractical and draconian policies. Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.) is no different. Despite gas prices soaring to $5.80 per gallon in California, Porter and fellow Orange County Congressman Mike Levin (D) have wanted to drive prices even higher. Both Southern California Democrats cosponsored the benign-sounding Energy Innovation and Carbon […]

NY Times Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Story It Discredited Was True – And So Were Hunter’s Links to Ukraine

ANALYSIS – After working relentlessly to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story broken by the New York Post just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, The New York Times has now admitted the story, among other things, showing links between Joe Biden’s son and Ukrainian energy company Burisma, was true. Of course, it didn’t outright admit […]

Are Zelenskyy and Putin Locked in a No-Win Situation?

As the bloodshed and suffering continue, Ukrainians and Russians are meeting to try to find what Western “experts” like to call an “off-ramp” that might allow Putin to back down, save face and leave Ukraine intact while bringing an end to the fighting. It’s a tall order because Putin, if he cannot win outright, is […]

Congress Demand EPA Explain Their Scheme to Calculate ‘Social Cost’ of ‘Greenhouse Gases’ Despite Court Order

U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, and House Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) sent a letter to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan requesting transparency and information on EPA’s use of Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (SC-GHG). A […]

Fauci Floats Possibility of Future COVID Restrictions

Dr. Anthony Fauci floated reintroducing COVID restrictions, including lockdowns, yesterday even as he acknowledged the latest variant set to hit the U.S. is less severe than Omicron. (RELATED: The Omicron Conjecture) “We can’t just say we’re done, now we’re going to move on. We’ve got to be able to be flexible because we’re dealing with […]