Poll: Biden Climate Agenda is Making Democrats an Endangered Species

Despite endless propaganda from Democrat officials and the mainstream media about the deadly and immediate threat of “climate change,” a new poll finds voters not only dismiss the supposed crisis but the environmentalist policies are making them more likely to vote for Republicans. The latest Harvard/Harris poll finds that when asked if “climate change” is […]

Avoid the Collapse – How to Become Hyper-Flexible

We are currently living in a world that could be said to be experiencing a period of Economic, Social and cultural dark age. A period of economic, social and cultural crisis. A lot has changed and is still changing. To be able to survive in this era, you need certain life skills or hacks. These […]

Understanding China’s Growing Disinformation Campaign Against America

While Russia gets most of the attention for its disinformation and cyber hacking efforts against the U.S., Communist China has its own growing effort. And it is a far bigger long-term threat. First, let’s say the communist Chinese (Chicoms), and their intelligence service and affiliated groups, have likely hacked the U.S. across the board more […]

Activists Hold West Hostage While Real Heroes Lay Dying

There’s a trend among European climate catastrophists and doom-mongers to stage media events in which earnest protesters toss food at classical artworks, after which the bold activists glue their hands to the floor/wall and spout off about how humanity is heading for extinction. Unless the state takes firm, immediate and generally authoritarian means to bring […]

New Ballot Initiatives Seek to End Cruel and Unusual Policy

Slavery was abolished in the United States following the adoption of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. But the fine print of that amendment allowed a form of slavery, and its cousin, indentured servitude, to exist at the state level as a criminal punishment. Several states still have those punishments on the books. But proposals […]

Storing Ammo for the End of the World (Or Your Next Range Trip)

It’s never a bad idea to stockpile ammo. If you’re a doomsday prepper who’s always coming up with strategies to survive the zombie apocalypse, you already know how important it is to have some bullets for that weapons cache you’ve got in your gun safe. But storing ammo isn’t necessarily as simple as putting it […]

Stacey Abrams Prepares to Challenge Another Election

With former President Barack Obama campaigning in Georgia to save Democrats from a midterm “shellacking” similar to his own over a decade ago, election denier and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) appears to be laying the groundwork to challenge the results of the governor’s race. Axios first reported on Abrams’ continuing claims that Georgia’s […]

Russia and China Deepen Complicated Relationship

China has officially embraced Xi Jinping as the new Mao – a president for life who prizes loyalty above merit and security above markets. That makes the world a little less secure and a lot more uncertain. But it also makes clear China isn’t the market-friendly place many in the west long assumed. If anything, […]

Federal Judge Rules Activists Have Right to Observe Ballot Drop Boxes

A federal judge ruled that a controversial activist group in Arizona has the constitutionally protected right to observe voters dropping off their mail-in ballots at locked drop boxes. In his 14-page ruling, Judge Michael T. Liburdi acknowledged the concern of some voters and voter rights groups at the presence of observers, some armed, filming ballot […]