Unassuming Career Shortage Portends Increasing Danger

Ask someone what the greatest threat facing the country is, and you’ll get a host of answers generally aimed at making your hair stand on end. But what if someone said the greatest threat facing the U.S., and capitalism as a whole, is a lack of accountants? That might seem like a non-starter. No accountants? […]

What Went Wrong Tuesday? A Post-Election Autopsy

Washington, D.C. – The results of Tuesday’s election were, in a word, odd. Almost no one, except perhaps for those who were cheering the Democrats on to a big win, conceded in advance of the counting that such an outcome was possible. A book can, indeed probably will be written about all the things that went […]

Democrats’ Foreign Donation Loophole Still Not Fixed

Almost all online transactions require customers to enter their credit card’s customer verification value (CVV). It’s standard when buying or selling — or donating — online to minimize fraud and potentially unlawful foreign transactions. However, the Democrats’ largest online fundraising platform, ActBlue, does not require the submission of this basic fraud tool (the three or […]

Police Hit With Major Blow – Where Do We Go From Here?

Given that not even the pundits and people paid to prognosticate got it right on the midterms, I’m hesitant to add amateur analysis to the mix. That said, I do have some thoughts about what the elections mean for police and public safety and where we go from here. I’d love to hear your thoughts, […]

Dangers Abound in Clean Energy Supply Chain

Inside the batteries that go into our electronic toys, computer workstations, cars and so much more are raw materials that come from mines and manufacturers in some fairly dodgy and dangerous places. And it’s those dodgy, dangerous places that are emerging as choke points – or if you prefer, weak links – in the clean […]