Outrage Develops as Convicted NY Cop Killer is Paroled on Health Grounds

Washington, D.C. – A man who reportedly masterminded a 1981 Brinks armored car robbery that left two Nanuet, N.Y., policemen and a security guard dead has been released from prison. Mutulu Shakur, 72, was released on Dec. 16 from incarceration in a federal facility on compassionate grounds by the U.S. Parole Commission, reportedly because he is […]

Who Benefits Most From Congress’ $1.7T Spending Bill?

About that $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill Congress has passed…just how do the worthies plan to spread that cash (much of it borrowed, but that’s our grandchildrens’ problem)? In all the ways one would expect from a gaggle of spend-happy pols in the waning days of the year. The headline numbers from the Senate Appropriations […]

Marines Urged by Woke Study to Use Gender-Neutral Terms in Boot Camp

ANALYSIS – In the most glaring example of wokeness in the military, which the Marine Commandant recently claimed wasn’t an issue in our beloved Corps, jarheads are being urged not to use sir or ma’am in Marine boot camp. According to the Marine Corps Times, this is seen as part of a sweeping effort to […]

Top 5 Handguns for Kids: Not Just 22 LR

Teaching our kids about firearms and gun safety is about more than self-defense or hunting, it’s about raising the next generation of gun owners. Of course, some platforms can seem more daunting than others to introduce. Handguns, specifically, might appear to be a greater challenge when it comes to teaching kids to use them properly […]