America’s $45B Christmas Gift to Zelenskyy

At the tail end of Congress’ 2022 lame-duck session, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy visited Washington, D.C. making stops at the White House and on Capitol Hill. Less than 48 hours later, the omnibus bill was passed with an earmark of an additional $45B for Ukraine. Coincidence? While the majority of Congress showed overwhelming support for the Ukrainian president […]

New Report Documents Explosion of Leftist Terror Attacks on US Churches

Liberal political activists have launched a wave of vandalism, mob interruptions of services and even terrorist attacks on American churches, a new report reveals – with pro-abortion domestic terrorists stepping up their campaign of targeted violence in 2022. The increase in domestic terrorism comes as American liberals increasingly openly promote street violence as a political […]

What Happened to the Winchester Model 1911 SL?

Who doesn’t love a good autoloading shotgun? Unsurprisingly, the first commercially successful type of this weapon came from the mind of the one and only John Moses Browning. As is the case with many of Browning’s designs, there was a spark of genius that led to a wildly successful weapon, only this time, Winchester completely […]

Read the Manliest Christmas Card Ever, Courtesy of General Patton

At a critical juncture in the Battle of the Bulge, General George S. Patton’s Third Army became bogged down in its drive to relieve the legendary 101st Airborne Division trapped at Bastogne, Belgium. The besieged Americans defended the vital crossroads town from a German force that outnumbered them by nine-to-one in critical sectors. Meanwhile, wintry conditions […]

Texas Guard and State Troopers Blocking Onslaught of Illegal Migrants at Border

ANALYSIS – As Joe Biden intentionally fails to do his constitutional duty to protect our borders, and Texas becomes ground zero for a crushing wave of illegal migrants some have likened to an invasion, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is filling the breach. “The federal government has neglected its primary and constitutionally assigned responsibility to its […]

HM Defense HM50B .50BMG Bolt Action Rifle

HM Defense have released a new .50BMG bolt action rifle called HM50B. This rifle is marketed as being a higher precision weapon than a typical anti-materiel rifle thanks to features like the free-floated match-grade button-rifled and honed barrel, target trigger and unique lock-up system. The HM50B is also designed to allow working its action while staying on the […]