Biden Announces Plan That Funds Iranian Terror and Nuclear Weapons Programs

After letting millions of dollars in weapons and equipment fall into the hands of Afghanistan’s Taliban, the Biden administration announced they are prepared to approve a plan that would funnel billions of dollars to Iran‘s radical regime. Experts report the funds will almost certainly be used to fund international terrorism and pursue nuclear weapons. Lawmakers […]

New Polls Give Trump Disturbing News About Potential 2024 Campaign

Is Donald Trump getting nervous about his potential success if he ultimately runs for president in 2024? According to the results of these two new polls, he should be. For months Trump has repeatedly hinted at launching another presidential campaign, likely teeing up a rematch against Democrat President Joe Biden. While Trump has yet to […]

Degrowth: The Green Movement’s Dystopian Endgame

There’s a concept floating around academia and the more panicked corners of the green movement that our economic system is pushing the Earth to its doom, and humanity to extinction. The only way to stop it is something called “degrowth.” And it’s as dystopian as it sounds” In Less Is More, probably the best-known statement […]

Major Liberal Think Tanks Able to Collect Foreign Government Cash Without Reporting It

Senate Republican leaders are demanding the Justice Department explain how a major left-wing think tank has been able to accept millions of dollars in funding from foreign governments without legally reporting it. Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and Judiciary Committee members John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) issued […]

Justice Department Releases Redacted Affidavit From Trump Mar-a-Lago Raid

The Justice Department has officially released the redacted affidavit used to obtain the search warrant used by the FBI in its recent raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence under the direction of U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. A website where the federal judge in Florida is unsealing documents relating to the FBI’s raid is repeatedly […]

See the Unbelievable Firepower America Has Given Ukraine

The United States has provided billions in weapons and military equipment to Ukraine to fend off the Russian invasion. The strategy appears to be paying dividends so far. While the true number of Russian casualties remains a matter of debate, Vladimir Putin’s call on Thursday for 137,000 more troops strongly suggests the official Russian death […]

Poorly Named Inflation Reduction Act Now Law: Pandora’s Box is Open

Washington, D.C. — National Democrats are no doubt pleased with themselves over the way they put another one over on the American people. The poorly named Inflation Reduction Act, now law, puts in place the framework they need to create their oft-wished-for progressive utopia. It will do many things. Bringing inflation down, unfortunately for us […]