John Bolton Announces He Will Run for President

Former Trump White House National Security Advisor John Bolton made news on “Good Morning Britain” on Friday. Bolton revealed that he intends to mount a run for the White House in 2024. He believes not only that he can overpower former President Donald Trump but that Trump’s support is in “terminal decline.” Known for his […]

Justice Department Admits to Targeting Pro-Life Activists in Response to Roe v. Wade

ICYMI, the Justice Department admitted the quiet part out loud. That’s not according to a conservative government watchdog but Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. In a speech celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Gupta said the decision to controversially prosecute pro-life activists through the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances […]

5 Best GLOCK Upgrades

GLOCK pistols are some of the most popular guns on the market. They are known for their reliability and versatility, and due to their popularity they have a ton of aftermarket support and different options to make them more fun to shoot, to enhance their functionality for different applications, or to create a unique look […]

McCarthy Wins Speakership

Finally, a breakthrough. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has become the 55th speaker of the House after a historic 15 rounds of voting. Following a days-long impasse, Republican leadership broke the deadlock on the 12th ballot when 14 Republicans switched their votes to Kevin McCarthy. It wasn’t enough to give McCarthy the majority needed to wield […]

Media Still Lying About Florida’s Conservative Cultural Revolution

ProPublica tells us the terrifying story of a sociologist having to change his teaching because of the oppression of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Stop Woke Act means that he can no longer teach his college classes about how white oppression and racial injustice are the base structure of American society. There are two problems […]