Nikki Haley Launches 2024 White House Bid

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley officially launched her campaign for President on Tuesday. The announcement, which has been expected for months, marks the first Republican candidate to challenge former President Donald Trump‘s 2024 campaign openly. The former governor and United Nations ambassador announced her bid in a video, calling for new leadership in the GOP. […]

Details Continue to Emerge About Impact of Ohio Train Derailment

Dozens of train cars operated by Norfolk Southern carrying toxic chemicals derailed from their tracks on February 5th, and more details about the impact of the accident continue to be unearthed by the day. The potential environmental impact of this train derailment could be much greater than reports currently indicate. Train derailments can have significant […]

16-Year-Old Catholic Arrested After Saying There Are Only Two Genders

A 16-year-old Catholic school student was arrested by Canadian police after refusing to accept his suspension for telling classmates there are only two genders. Josh Alexander was arrested by police in Renfrew, Ontario for returning to class at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School after being told he must first renounce his belief in two genders […]

Senior Officials Address Speculation After Unidentified Objects Shot Down

More questions remain about the three mysterious objects shot down over the U.S. and Canada in the days following the Chinese balloon controversy. While the Pentagon hasn’t yet recovered debris from the three unidentified objects downed this weekend, U.S. officials have begun offering theories into their origins. Speaking to Fox News, a senior official stated […]

Biden Draws Bipartisan Cheers for Undermining US Economy

That most politicians have only a passing familiarity with economics, it’s understandable that a lifelong pol like President Joe Biden wouldn’t know competition unless it ran against him in a primary. In his State of the Union speech, Mr. Biden declared, with the confidence common among the ignorant, that “capitalism without competition is not capitalism, […]

Foreign Agents Gain Access to Do Not Fly List After Latest Hack

In a perilous development for national security under President Joe Biden, foreign hackers were able to infiltrate the nation’s terrorist screening database, access the confidential No Fly List and even had the ability to change or cancel flights. In a story broken by the Spectator, a 23-year-old transgender Swiss hacker named Maia Arson Crimew “who […]

Witnesses Before Grand Jury Investigating Trump May Have Lied Under Oath

A Georgia judge will release parts of a report on former President Donald Trump’s alleged attempted interference in the 2020 Georgia vote count after the grand jury raised concerns about witnesses potentially lying under oath. It’s unclear which witnesses have been implicated, as The New York Times reports: In making his ruling, the judge, Robert C.I. […]

Pennsylvania Man Robbed of About $35,000 of Toy Cars

It’s not enough to steal your full-size rides anymore… Car theft is so out of control these days that a man in Perry County, Pennsylvania reportedly was robbed of about 5,000 Matchbox cars recently. It’s pretty scummy to take someone’s full-size ride, whether it’s a hobby vehicle or a daily driver, but to steal a grown man’s toy […]

US Warns Citizens: Leave Russia Immediately

The government has issued a top-level advisory to any remaining U.S. citizens in Russia. Leave. Immediately. Citing the Kremlin’s plans to expand the draft to boost the number of Russian troops and the possibility of wrongful detention as the war continues, the advisory adds that transportation options out of the country may soon become even […]

NSSF Slams Anti-Gun Mayors for Attacks on Gun Industry: ‘Not Grounded in Reality’

National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence Keane is taking anti-gun mayors task in a new column, blasting the Michael Bloomberg-founded-and-funded Mayors Against Illegal Guns for accusing the firearms industry of being “unwilling to take steps to reduce gun violence”; a position that he says isn’t “grounded in reality.” It’s […]