Shock Poll Finds Democrat Voters Want Biden and Dems to Cooperate With GOP

A new Pew Research Center poll brings more bad news for President Joe Biden, with Republicans strongly in favor of blocking his liberal agenda even if it creates gridlock – and a strong majority of Democrat voters wanting their party to cooperate with Republicans. “More than six-in-ten Republicans and independents who lean toward the Republican […]

Stop Appeasing Biden and the Other Climate Authoritarians

The Department of Energy’s recent step to begin the process of banning gas stoves, taken directly against strongly expressed contrary public sentiment, again shows that President Biden, climate czar John Kerry and their climate policy allies are authoritarians. The climate authoritarians have made vast progress in regulatorily strangling American fossil fuel production, transport and use because opponents […]

Former Obama Fundraiser Confesses to Misusing Funds Intended for Struggling Young Adults

A prominent fundraiser for President Barack Obama, who led a nonprofit ostensibly committed to helping impoverished youth, has made a startling confession. According to a statement from the Justice Department, Howard Dixon Slingerland illegally took federal grant money to pay off more than $600,000 of his organization’s payroll and credit card debts, which included personal […]

US Shoots Down Unidentified Flying Object Over Canada

For the second time in two days, the U.S. military has shot down what North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) calls a “high altitude airborne object.” NORAD tracked the object, another possible spy balloon, over Canada’s Yukon Territory earlier Saturday. With the approval of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a U.S. fighter entered Canadian airspace to […]

Biden Got Republicans to Play Into His Hands – Do This Next Time

It has been said of Ronald Reagan that he was from Hollywood, but his values were Main Street. The public sensed this and responded to Reagan because he resonated with their own values. The media and Democrats predicted his demise from the moment he ran against Pat Brown for California Governor in 1966. Time and […]

Washington’s Latest Bipartisan Hobgoblin: Social Media

The great H. L. Mencken once wrote that the “whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Such is the case with children and social media. Sensing a hobgoblin stalking the […]

The Committee Spots Given to McCarthy’s 21 Holdouts

Last month, over 20 House Republican lawmakers refused to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House speaker. However, after 15 grueling rounds of voting, McCarthy finally held the speaker’s gavel. Not every holdout got exactly what he or she had asked for, but some won plum committee assignments from McCarthy. Here’s what we know […]

Stronger US-Philippines Defense Ties a ‘Big Deal’

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty Defense News (ALDN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the […]

Biden Justice Department Caught Illegally Trafficking Abortion Drugs

Despite federal laws explicitly prohibiting the mailing of abortion drugs, a newly-discovered Biden Justice Department memo outlines a plan to allow the illegal trafficking of risky do-it-yourself abortion chemicals into states where abortion is regulated. Federal law expressly makes it a crime to mail any “article or thing designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion” […]