FBI Allegedly Surveilled Pro-Life Group’s Meetings

While Antifa domestic terror cells burned crisis pregnancy centers and left-wing hordes stalked Supreme Court justices outside their homes, the FBI sent undercover informants to spy on a pro-life organization, two Texas Republican lawmakers reveal. Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) and Sen. Ted Cruz are demanding Attorney General Merrick Garland explain why the FBI allegedly secretly […]

A Wounded Democratic Party Sows The Wind – And Reaps The Whirlwind

Race. Democrats have used race to win elections and demonize the Republicans. After Reconstruction, Democrats kept power in the South by playing the race card in elections and denying African Americans the right to vote. They would bring up Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and William Sherman in stump speeches threatening their return from the grave […]

Russian Military Reduced To Fighting With Shovels As Bodies Pile Up

The supply chain has grown so precarious for both sides near the strategic town of Bakhmut, Ukraine, that men are going into combat armed with little more than shovels. Russian officers hoping to retain the strategic initiative and eke out some kind of victory here are ordering reservists out of the World War I-style trenches […]

Mexican President Vows To Launch US Election Interference Campaign Targeting Republicans

Tensions are rising between the United States and Mexico… On Thursday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador threatened to commence an “information campaign” against Republicans after some lawmakers proposed harsher measures to crack down on cartels smuggling fentanyl into the country. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more fatal than morphine… “Starting today we are […]

Is Donald Trump About To Be Charged?

Donald Trump appears worried as the Jack Smith probe reaches “advanced stages,” indications are that the special counsel looking into Donald Trump’s role in January 6 and the Mar-a-Lago documents investigation is advancing — and that Trump is worried. There have been quite a few reports in recent months that Jack Smith’s Special Counsel investigation is “ramping up” or […]

Sensitivity Readers Are Merely The Latest Iteration Of A Historical Problem

There have been more stories about more authors whose works are being “sanitized” for the modern reader. Among the latest: Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, which, apparently, contain far too many problematic passages for today’s easily offended public. It’s not a new problem – sensitivity readers (none dare call them censors) have been wreaking havoc […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants To Axe This Agency – She’s Totally Right

For the congressional budget writer looking for ways to trim federal spending while striking a blow for less intrusive government, one good place to start is that overstuffed warehouse of post-9/11 panic: the creepily named Department of Homeland Security. As Reason Magazine notes, the 20-year-old department has done very little to make anyone safer. And […]