McCarthy To Republicans: Don’t Impeach Biden – Yet

Speaker Kevin McCarthy has gotten House Republicans to err on the side of caution. Behind the scenes, McCarthy persuaded members of his caucus not to support Rep. Lauren Boebert’s resolution to impeach President Joe Biden. Boeboert, R-Colo., introduced articles of impeachment against President Biden earlier this week. She intended to use a procedural tactic to […]

General Tells Hawaii Marines – Prepare For War In Pacific

ANALYSIS- Even as Joe Biden, via his Secretary of State Antony Blinken, grovels at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders in Beijing, yet another senior American military leader warns we are heading for war in the Pacific. And he is telling his Marines in Hawaii to start gearing up for combat. The […]

California Pushes New ‘Equitable’ Energy Policy

California has long been a source of political trends that can reshape how other states, and the nation as a whole, practice politics and government. That doesn’t mean they’ve been very good ideas, and a case in point is a recent requirement that the rich pay more for…energy use. On the surface, it makes sense…if […]

Durham Testifies FBI Rejected Warnings Of Clinton’s Plan To Link Trump To Russia

Special Counsel John Durham testified before Congress that the FBI ignored key intelligence reports from 2016 linking the Hillary Clinton campaign to a scheme to tie then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russia. Durham testified publicly for the first time before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, according to Fox News. His testimony comes just weeks after releasing […]

House Votes To Censure Adam Schiff Over Role In Trump Hoax

House Republicans have successfully censured Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) over his role in peddling claims former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia. The resolution passed 213-209 in a vote. This marked the second attempt in recent weeks to censure the California Democrat who is running for the Senate seat being left by retiring Dianne Feinstein. […]

House Advances Schiff Censure Resolution

The House of Representatives voted to advance a censure resolution against Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Wednesday. The House voted 208-218 along party lines on a motion to table the measure, rejecting a Democrat-led effort to block the resolution from coming to the floor for a vote. Wednesday’s vote marked the second time the House […]

Fighting Pentagon’s Woke Agenda on Abortions and Sex Changes

WEDNESDAY PDB – One Senator is playing hardball in the war against Woke at the Pentagon. Specifically, its new taxpayer-funded abortion travel policy. Pentagon slams Tuberville for setting ‘dangerous precedent’ by holding up nominations.  The Pentagon on Tuesday slammed Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) for setting a “dangerous precedent” by holding up more than 200 general and […]

Pentagon Admits Accounting Error Gave Extra $6.2 Billion In Aid To Ukraine

An accounting mistake reportedly led the Pentagon to overestimate the value of weapons and equipment it has sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion dollars over the last two years. According to Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, an internal review uncovered that the military had used the estimated cost to replace the transferred equipment instead of the value recorded in […]

Most Americans Think Chris Christie Wrong On Stance For Child Gender Procedures

ANALYSIS – One of the most transcendent political issues today is the Left’s war on reality. Specifically, the radical efforts to push a totally made-up, anti-science, transgender ideology on society, and especially our children.  And most Republicans agree. Actually, most Americans agree. Being on the wrong side of this issue should automatically disqualify a GOP […]

Fox News Panelist Announces He’s Off ‘The Five’

Fox News is making some changes. Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera announced that he will no longer be a panelist on the network’s roundtable opinion show, The Five. “My last scheduled show appearances are Thursday and Friday June 29th and 30th,” Rivera tweeted Wednesday morning. “It’s been a great run and I appreciate having had the opportunity. Being […]