Georgia Lawyer Admits To Leaking Witness Video In Trump Election Case

On Wednesday, an attorney for one of former President Trump’s co-defendants in Georgia admitted to providing proffer videos of defendants who pled guilty to a media outlet. Attorney Jonathan Miller, who is representing former Coffee County election supervisor Misty Hampton, did not name the outlet and said he leaked the footage in the name of […]

Kids Find Gun In School Trash Can In Gun-Controlled Maryland

By Tom Knighton Bearing Arms The state of Maryland likes gun control a lot. Maybe they haven’t gone down the path of, say, California, but that’s not been for lack of trying. All that gun control is claimed to be aimed at reducing guns in the hands of bad people. And yet, it doesn’t seem to […]

Trump Files Motion For Mistrial In Business Fraud Case

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump‘s legal team requested a mistrial in his civil fraud case in New York. “This appearance of bias threatens both Defendants’ rights and the integrity of the judiciary as an institution,” Trump’s counsel wrote in the 30-page motion, according to The Hill. Trump’s counsel cited posts made by Judge Arthur Engoron to […]

Hunter Biden Requests Court Subpoena Donald Trump

Lawyers for Hunter Biden have requested subpoenas for Donald Trump, William Barr and other Justice Department officials from the federal judge overseeing his gun case. The motion seeks evidence that the probe into his crimes related to firearm possession while on illegal drugs were politically motivated. Attorneys for President Biden’s 53-year-old son argue political pressure […]

Israeli Forces Enter Gaza Hospital Used As Terrorist Command Post

WEDNESDAY PDB – The Israeli advance continues despite Hamas terrorists fighting in and around hospitals. What the IDF has said about entering al-Shifa hospital. Israeli tanks and troops have entered the grounds of al-Shifa Hospital in a “precise and targeted operation” against what it says are Hamas command and control bunkers beneath. The White House confirmed that […]

House Votes To Avert Government Shutdown

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) achieved his first major legislative victory Tuesday with a vote to avoid a government shutdown hours ahead of Friday’s deadline. Speaker Johnson received support from hundreds of Democrats to pass his two-tiered continuing resolution (CR). The “laddered CR” funds some government functions until January, while others receive funding until February. […]

Global Media Outlets Deny Complicity In Israel Attacks

Both Reuters and AP are denying that their staff journalists accompanied the Hamas terrorists into Israel on October 7. Further, they insist they had no prior knowledge as organizations – we’re certain they’re right on that, too. However, we also think it’s true, as many are reporting, that some freelance journalists did accompany and record […]

Top 10: The Best Shooting Instructors & Gunfighters Of All-Time

by Massad Ayoob Athlon Outdoors It is said that there are few new things under the sun, and that is certainly true of tactics and philosophies of self-defense. In these disciplines and others, today’s leading practitioners will be the first to tell you that they stand on the shoulders of giants who have gone before. […]

Trump Drops Push To Move Hush Money Case To Federal Court

Former President Donald Trump has dropped his bid to move his hush money criminal case to federal court. On Tuesday, Trump suddenly decided to proceed in state court as he defends himself against 34 charges of falsifying business records. Manhattan prosecutors charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in part to conceal a $130,000 […]

What Does The Future Hold For Joe Manchin?

Official Washington had a bit of a rude surprise when West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin announced that he would not seek reelection and would instead test the national waters for a possible independent presidential bid. While there seems to be a bit of an appetite for a serious third-party or independent presidential candidate, the logistics […]