Federal Air Marshals Diverted To Follow J6 Attendees

It’s possible that air marshals have been monitoring you for years. According to a Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) representative, the Biden administration monitored individuals who traveled to Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6 even if they did not participate in the attack on the Capitol. The revelation follows news the FBI reportedly halted a probe […]

How To Spot (And Stalk) A RINO

Do you know how to spot a RINO (Republican in Name Only) candidate? In previous elections, you could visit their website to look up their positions on the issues.  This election season, the RINOs have gotten wiser or should I say more discreet. They are no longer publishing their positions. Don’t believe me? Check out Riley […]

America Needs A Fair Military Draft – For Men And Women

TUESDAY PDB – America’s armed forces need a lottery-based draft for men and women. The U.S. military’s all-volunteer force (AVF) model is an abject failure. Last year, the active Army fell 15,000 recruits short of its goal. The Army Reserve fell 40% short of its goal this year, while the active Navy fell 7,000 short and […]

Former Obama Advisor David Axelrod Bashes Biden, Says He Should Bow Out

President Joe Biden began his presidency with some (including the man himself) comparing him to Franklin Roosevelt. While that was always hubris, along with a heaping dose of spin, it’s worth remembering for no other reason than as marker of how much his standing has fallen since Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020. Consider the […]

Democrat Wins Recount By A Single Vote

A recount shows a Northwestern Louisiana parish elected a Democrat by one vote out of more than 43,000 cast. Caddo Parish elected Democrat Henry Whitehorn to become the parish’s first new sheriff in 24 years. Whitehorn, the former head of the Louisiana State Police, beat Shreveport City Council Member John Nickelson in a Nov. 18 […]

Report: Rupert Murdoch To Be Deposed In Fox News Lawsuit

Billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch will reportedly be questioned this week as part of Smartmatic Voting System‘s defamation suit against Fox News. Smartmatic is seeking $2.7 billion in damages from Fox, accusing it of maliciously giving Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani a platform to air falsehoods about the 2020 election. (RELATED: Rupert Murdoch […]

Fired CNN Host Brian Stelter’s Fox News Book Flops Big Time

First, the good news for environmentalists is that Brian Stelter’s latest book will only cut down a few trees. For the first time since CNN fired him last year, Stelter prominently returned to cable news to promote “Network of Lies,” his new book about Fox News. However, as the Daily Caller painfully notes, the book […]

Influential Conservative Network Endorses Nikki Haley Ahead Of Iowa Caucus

The political network founded by the Koch brothers is endorsing Nikki Haley in the Republican presidential primary race according to a Tuesday memo. Americans for Prosperity Action‘s endorsement bolsters Haley’s campaign as Republicans get closer to the Iowa Caucuses. Haley is largely seen as the candidate most likely to topple Ron DeSantis for the No. […]

Fox News Host Jesse Watters Injured In Hand And Groin

Donald Trump’s favorite Fox News host was on the receiving end of a dog attack over Thanksgiving break. On Monday’s episode of “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Watters told viewers what happened when he crossed paths with a woman and her “big dog” while attempting to navigate a narrow hiking trail. “We’re on a tight part of […]