Americans Are Being Gaslit Over Gun Research

For years, there was no federally funded research looking at gun violence. The CDC said federal law prohibited it, blaming the Dickey Amendment. That amendment, though, didn’t prevent research. It barred the use of federal money for gun control advocacy, which is certainly a noble goal. After all, gun control is a controversial subject. To […]

Ukraine’s Big Attacks On Russian Air Bases Destroy Or Damage 7 Jets

ANALYSIS – In what appears to be the most serious aerial attack on Russian territory since the start of Vladimir Putin’s invasion, Ukrainian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) attacked a key Russian air base near Russia’s NATO border with Estonia and Latvia. The aerial assault by up to 20 armed kamikaze drones hit the Pskov Airfield in western Russia, almost 500 miles from […]

Tucker Predicts US War With Russia Next Year

Tucker Carlson has a new interview with Hungarian President Viktor Orbán, whose country shares a border with Ukraine. The provocative European leader had plenty to say, but perhaps the most newsworthy comment from Carlson’s visit to Central Europe came from the former Fox News host himself. Carlson seemed to imply that our political, financial and […]

Matt Schlapp Tried Settling Sexual Battery Lawsuit, Got Rejected: Report

Multiple sources have spoken out about the latest allegations involving CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. In recent months, the right-wing powerbroker has come under increasing fire from critics over a sexual battery lawsuit, unexplained discrepancies in financial documents and internal strife within the American Conservative Union (ACU). Schlapp denies all the accusations against him. He has […]

Mental Health Crisis Looms As 70 Percent Of Children Now Have Eco-Anxiety

A nonstop assault of propaganda from government institutions, schools and media outlets has left an entire generation of children riddled with “eco-anxiety,” as a new survey reveals 70 percent of young children are worried about “plastic pollution” and “man-made climate change.” “The survey by eco-grocery start up Modern Milkman found that 71 per cent of children […]

Russian Pilots Harass US Drones Less After F-35s Arrive In Mideast

TUESDAY PDB – The Kremlin seems to see that having Russian jets interfering with U.S. drones can lead to engagement by U.S. F-35 stealth fighters. Russian harassment of US drones over Syria drops after F-35s arrive in the Middle East.  After a series of incidents in the skies over Syria, Russian pilots now appear less aggressive […]

New Poll Reveals Odds For Republican Elite’s Favorite Candidate

With news that current GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump will have to be in a federal courtroom rather than on the campaign trail next year, look for more stories about potential “lifeboat” candidate Gov. Glenn Youngkin may yet get into the race (particularly from media outlets in the Rupert Murdoch sphere of influence – the […]

Fox News Commentator Slams Ramaswamy’s Proposals As ‘Criminally Stupid’

Fox News pundit Marc Thiessen has come out in full force against Vivek Ramaswamy‘s foreign policy proposals. Taking to social media, Thiessen called Ramaswamy’s stances on the biggest foreign policy challenges facing the United States “criminally stupid” and “utterly disqualifying.” (RELATED: BREAKING: Florida Republican Ends Presidential Campaign) The Hill further reports: Thiessen took to social […]

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez Ends Republican Presidential Campaign

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has dropped out of the Republican presidential primary. The mayor suspended his campaign a week after he failed to qualify for the first Republican presidential debate. “Running for President of the United States has been one of the greatest honors of my life. This country has given so much to my […]

Welcome To California: Thieves Ransack Wig Shop Serving Cancer Patients

A boutique in Beverly Hills that caters to cancer patients received the shock of a lifetime last week. A security camera recorded three masked assailants breaking into The Wig Fairy, a store that serves women and children undergoing chemotherapy. The custom wigs are made of human hair, with each customer selecting their preferred texture and […]