The Alarming Reason Democrats Are Embracing States’ Rights

Politicians at the national level are generally uninterested, if not outright hostile, to the idea of federalism. Rather than allow states to exercise their authority under our federal system, national politicians, of both major parties, prefer to consolidate power in official Washington whenever and wherever possible. It’s an odd and illuminating thing, then, to see […]

Banks Flagged Hundreds of Biden Family Overseas Transactions as Suspicious. Investigators Want to Know Why.

Hundreds of transactions between Biden family members and foreign sources were flagged as “suspicious” by U.S. banks and forwarded to law enforcement for investigation. Now congressional investigators want to know why and whether there was an effort by federal officials during the 2020 presidential election to cover up unethical and possibly illegal Biden family business […]

Man Convicted for Assassination Plot Against Republican Congressman

Chase Neill may have regrets about representing himself. The 32-year-old Kansas man failed to persuade a jury of his innocence after plotting to kill Congressman Jake LaTurner, R-Kan. While cross-examining LaTurner, Neill claimed that he never threatened to murder the representative but was forwarding a message from God. A jury of Neill’s peers was unconvinced, […]

Russian Propaganda Machine Begins Calling for ‘Tens of Thousands’ of Dead Americans

With the threat of tactical nukes detonating over Ukrainian battlefields arguably diminished, some Kremlin puppets, including religious leaders, have changed their tune. Instead of vowing to reverse Moscow’s fortunes in a blinding flash of light, one of Russia’s leading talking heads is now calling for the wholesale slaughter of U.S. troops. Addressing the quagmire in […]

The Rocket Propelled Flamethrower – Yep, It’s a Thing

In researching some of the Russian weaponry being used in Ukraine and ran across the TOS-1, which led me to the phrase Rocket Propelled Flamethrower. Now I had never heard of such a thing. My military occupational specialty involved machine guns, not rockets. This genre of weapon is popular enough that the USA had one […]

The Biden Effect: National Party ID Flips as More Americans Now Republican

The latest Gallup poll of national party identification shows that after two decades of Democrat dominance under Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, Republicans have jumped into the lead under a flailing President Joe Biden. When asked to choose between Republicans or Democrats, Gallup finds 45 percent of Americans identify themselves as […]

How Hollywood Uses TV Shows to Lie About Good Guys With Guns

You would never know Americans use guns four to five times more frequently to stop crime than to commit it, especially when entertainment TV portrays the opposite. When an alleged armed robber barged into Ranchito #4 Taqueria on Jan. 4, almost every customer froze with fear. But one good Samaritan, an unnamed 46-year-old man, quickly […]

Neither Party is Serious About Ending Profligate Spending

The new Republican House majority is on record that it wants to reduce federal spending. Or rather, they want to roll back spending on discretionary programs. How much? Less than one might think, but enough to send official Washington into a tizzy. According to Roll Call: Total “base” appropriations for fiscal 2023, excluding supplementals and […]