Man Charged In NYC For Trying To Stop Robbery On Subway

Authorities have charged a man in New York City with reckless endangerment after allegedly intervening to protect a woman. Last Tuesday night at a Manhattan subway station, John Rote, 43, fired two shots at a homeless man who had threatened a woman, according to The New York Times. He was subsequently charged with multiple counts, […]

Jeff Bezos Moves To Florida: A Humorous Twist On The Class War

Taxing the rich has long been the dream and policy aim on the American left. Well, not “taxing” the rich. More like “soaking” them via layers of tax levies that expropriate their wealth and hand it to the noble, just and generous state. But a funny thing happened on the way to the class war […]

Putin 2024! – Will Russia’s Leader Now Be ‘President’ For Life?

ANALYSIS – Even in authoritarian states like Russia, or totalitarian ones like communist China, the leaders need to portray some semblance of electoral democracy for legitimacy. This is why they refer to themselves as ‘president’ even though they really aren’t. Please note, I refuse to call either Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin, or any other […]

Pressure Becomes Overwhelming To Rename Day Care Center Honoring Anne Frank

A German day care will change its name after migrant parents found it challenging to explain its namesake to their children. Despite it having operated without incident for 50 years. That’s no longer the case for Kita Anne Frank in Tangerhütte. According to The Jerusalem Post, the facility will be renamed “World Explorers.” Andreas Brohm, […]

Primary Challenger Presented With Golden Opportunity From Biden’s Campaign

There are a bewildering number of ways in which a presumably comfortable and confident presidential campaign can run off the rails. Just to pick one example from the vault: 1972 Democratic front-runner Sen. Ed Muskie’s tears. An emotional Muskie held a press conference in which he rebutted a letter printed in New Hampshire’s largest paper […]

Biden’s War On Gun Dealers

By Lee Williams AmmoLand Shortly after taking office, Joe Biden weaponized the ATF and then announced a zero-tolerance policy for “rogue gun dealers,” who he claimed were responsible for increased violent crime rates in many major U.S. cities. “Rogue gun dealers” the President explained, are those Federal Firearm Licensees who willfully transfer a firearm to […]

US Gave Ukraine Ammunition Seized From Iranian Smugglers

The Navy seized more than one million rounds of Iranian ammo aimed for the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Via Task and Purpose By Patty Nieberg OCT 4, 2023 The US sent more than one million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine this week that the US Navy had previously seized from Iranian smuggling operations. News of the […]

FBI Seizes Phones, iPad Of New York City Mayor

Prior to the FBI search of a political consultant’s home, with close ties to New York City’s mayor, an apparent campaign financing investigation involving his campaign had already heated up. FBI agents confiscated two phones and an iPad from Mayor Eric Adams (D) Monday night. Agents approached the mayor on the street, asked his security […]

Multiple National Polls Showcase Poor Results For Biden

The New York Times polling shocker on the Biden campaign’s weakness in key battleground states wasn’t the only set of numbers to stir the presidential pot. A Quinnipiac University poll that included hypothetical general election match-ups between Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and independent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. showed just how hungry the public is to […]