Hunter Biden Agrees To Be Deposed By GOP Impeachment Panel

ANALYSIS – After bluffing and blustering and ignoring legitimate congressional subpoenas made by both the Oversight and Judiciary committees – and threatened with a House vote to find him in contempt of Congress – Hunter Biden caved Friday to the GOP and agreed to sit for a closed-door deposition in the House impeachment inquiry into […]

Judge: ‘Your Husband Or Your Guns’ – Part Two

Via Ammoland Inc. by Lee Williams Nearly three months ago, a Charlotte County, Florida judge told Lisa Marok that if she didn’t renounce her Second Amendment rights, give up her Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License, and remove every single firearm and every single round of ammunition from her home, her husband would be sent to a […]

Reports Expose Downsides Of Economic Development Ploys

While we’re on the subject of governments and their spending addictions… let’s not forget another contributor to the red ink: corporate welfare. This is a long-festering issue at the state and local levels, where local politicians keen on staying in office have made an art of transferring taxpayer money to corporate treasuries. The stated intention […]

Anti-Trump Social Media Account Of Popular Republican Governor Uncovered

New reporting reveals how fraught the relationship between Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and former President Donald Trump has become during the Iowa caucuses. Former allies, Reynolds and Trump grew apart after she declined to support his candidacy and instead endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Despite Trump’s legal challenges solidifying his popularity in the Republican Party, […]

Don’t Forget – Israel Has Nukes, And They Will Use Them

ANALYSIS – Among all the hand-wringing over the potential of a wider war between Israel and Iranian terror proxies such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shia militias in Iraq and Syria, Houthis in Yemen, in addition to Hamas in Gaza, few are considering the elephant in room – Iran. They are also ignoring the 800-pound gorilla […]

Oregon Supreme Court Rules On Trump Eligibility Challenge

The Oregon Supreme Court ruled former President Donald Trump may remain on the state’s primary ballot. Until the U.S. Supreme Court determines Trump’s eligibility for public office. In the meantime, election officials must wait for the Supreme Court’s decision on whether Trump is disqualified from the ballot under the insurrection clause under the U.S. Constitution’s […]

Kinzinger: I Would Choose Biden Over Trump ‘In A Heartbeat’

It’s not even a question. Former Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger (R), a strong critic of Donald Trump, recently stated that he would support President Joe Biden over Trump “in a heartbeat.” Mediaite reported on Kinzinger’s response to a question about his potential support for Biden after his preferred Republican candidate, Chris Christie, withdrew from the […]

Biden’s Belated Strikes On Houthis Not Enough To Deter Iran

FRIDAY PDB – US, British militaries launch retaliatory strike against Houthis. The U.S. and British militaries bombed more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on Thursday. U.S. officials said the strikes had been carried out by warship-launched Tomahawk missiles, as well as fighter jets and submarines. Four RAF Typhoon jets flying from Akrotiri […]

Houthis Vow Retribution After US And Britain Launch Strikes

For weeks, fears have grown the U.S., Israel and Iran’s allies are moving closer to a regional war. Last night, an international coalition led by the United States, launched retaliatory strikes against Houthi terrorists. The Iranian proxy group has significantly reduced merchant shipping in the Red Sea since declaring war on Israel in October. The […]