Iran Vs. Saudi Arabia: The New Scramble For Africa

By Alex Purcell Grey Dynamics 1.0 Introduction Iran vs Saudi Arabia is no new phenomenon. Yet international focus on their rivalry is often limited to the Persian Gulf and the Levant. With numerous Muslim-Majority nations, untapped oil and uranium reserves, and geo-strategic locations, Africa offers equal if not greater rewards to both actors if they […]

The Largest-Ever Survey Of American Gun Owners Finds That Defensive Use Of Firearms Is Common

The results also confirm that “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines are widely used for lawful purposes. JACOB SULLUM, The largest and most comprehensive survey of American gun owners ever conducted suggests that they use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. It also confirms that AR-15-style rifles and magazines that hold more than […]

The Largest-Ever Survey Of American Gun Owners Finds That Defensive Use Of Firearms Is Common

The results also confirm that “assault weapons” and “large capacity” magazines are widely used for lawful purposes. JACOB SULLUM, The largest and most comprehensive survey of American gun owners ever conducted suggests that they use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. It also confirms that AR-15-style rifles and magazines that hold more than […]

Putin Rebuilding His Spy, Sabotage And Assassin Network In Europe

ANALYSIS – After being severely reduced by Western actions over the past two years, former spymaster Vladimir Putin has aggress­ively boosted both the size and influence of Russia’s GRU mil­it­ary intel­li­gence, SVR for­eign intel­li­gence agency and the foreign branch of the FSB Fed­eral Secur­ity Ser­vice. Bulgaria, Slovakia, Albania, Holland, Germany, Sweden and Norway have all arrested […]

‘You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet’: Dem Calls For Riots After Pro-Police Bill Passes Senate

Tennessee state Sen. Charlene Oliver (D) called on citizens in her Nashville-based district to “fight like hell” after the state’s general assembly passed a pro-police bill. The bill, which now heads to the governor’s desk, would prevent cities like Memphis from prohibiting police officers from initiating certain traffic stops. State Sen. Brent Taylor (R) introduced […]

Migrant Accused Of Police Sergeant's Death Released

An undocumented migrant accused of the aggravated manslaughter of a police officer is a free man today. In part because he doesn’t know English. Fox News explains: Virgilio Aguilar Mendez, 19, was charged with aggravated manslaughter of an officer after a scuffle involving several law enforcement officers in May 2023. St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Michael […]

Migrant Accused Of Police Sergeant’s Death Released

An undocumented migrant accused of the aggravated manslaughter of a police officer is a free man today. In part because he doesn’t know English. Fox News explains: Virgilio Aguilar Mendez, 19, was charged with aggravated manslaughter of an officer after a scuffle involving several law enforcement officers in May 2023. St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Michael […]

Is Your Car Secretly Spying On You For Your Insurance Company?

People are shocked that their newer, connected, high-tech car is in fact one giant data collection device. They’re also outraged that automakers such as GM are selling information gathered about their in-vehicle habits to buyers like insurance providers. This is something we’ve been warning about, and we’re hardly alone. But a new report from The New York Times has caught the […]