Fox News Voter Panel Criticizes Trump’s Debate Performance, Warns Of Missed Opportunities

- September 19, 2024
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In a podcast interview, former presidential candidate asserts that questions about Harris's policy aren't motivated by a genuine desire to understand what each candidate represents and gauge what kind of leadership they'd offer the United States, but are instead a double standard rooted in sexism.


Hillary Clinton forcefully argued that Vice President didn't need to clarify her policy positions in interviews and said that the 2024 Democratic candidate was facing a “double standard” from voters and the.

A voter panel following Tuesday night's debate may signal trouble for , if the panel's reaction is reflective of the broader electorate. The panel, consisting of persuadable voters, criticized Trump for what they perceived as a lack of a clear strategy during his face-off with Vice President .

As Mediaite reports.

During a vote conducted by the Fox News Digital focus group, a majority of voters—12 out of 17—believed Harris came out on top. The panel, which included Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, largely criticized Trump for his inability to adapt to a new political opponent.

One participant said: “Trump was so bad, he's just like an old suit from like 1987 right now. He just repeats himself.”

Another added: “He is still in his head basically trying to run against Joe Biden,” said one voter. Several others echoed this sentiment, accusing Trump of rehashing old lines from past campaigns.

Despite this, the focus group wasn't entirely enthusiastic about Harris. While many felt she handled the debate well, a few pointed out that she failed to provide specifics when pressed on critical issues.

Vice President Kamala Harris is just as anti-gun-rights as departing Joe Biden.

A number of Republican lawmakers and strategists voiced their disappointment with Trump's performance. They argued that he allowed Harris to distract him with irrelevant remarks, such as comments about crowd sizes and world leaders laughing at him, instead of focusing on important voter concerns such as the economy, cost of living, immigration and .

“He is taking all the bait from Kamala and not focusing on her role in the current administration's policies,” one battleground state strategist told Politico, calling Trump's performance a “missed opportunity.”

“She crushed him,” claimed another political operative, citing Trump's lack of preparation and reliance on old talking points. An unnamed Republican member of Congress added that Harris was effective in provoking Trump, even though she “talks to us like toddlers.” While few insiders gave Trump high marks, many felt Harris also fell short in her performance.

“I don't think it changes anything,” commented one GOP lobbyist, reflecting on the night. “I think they're both struggling. Both are making some of the points they want to, but it just reinforces their bases.”

As the election enters its final stretch, Trump may need to refine his messaging and avoid engaging in distractions to appeal to swing voters. What do you think? How did Trump perform in the debate, and what should his strategy be moving forward? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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    And the debate moderators had nothing to do with it? Obviously a Democrat filled panel, but what can you expect from Fox News?

    Jackie Collins

    I am a resident of Arizona…7 miles north of the Mexican border so I have personal experience with the nightmare that is now our country. And for one I am tired of the praise for ‘Song Bird McCain.’ He did nothing for AZ…he did not get his nickname from fellow POW’s because he sang the National Anthem. But it’s easy to overlook that when his family, his democrat buddies (yes he and Teddy Kennedy were best drinking buddies) keep referring to the wonderful things he did. So, when they criticize Trump for calling him out it’s because they need yet one more thing to draw on. Trump has a history to draw on. He had this country going in the right direction and the democrat machine took that away from us..not him, the American people. Groceries are up300% how do I know, because I do my own shopping. And this hurts those ‘middle class’ that Kamala claims to care so much about. His having to the firing of generals and Washington swamp people was ‘living’ in the past which she kept berating him for…making him defend his actions once again. As for moderator David, he had no right to interject his personal questions..but he did.Trump let her chat about her plans so that anyone who has the brains of an oyster could tell, they won’t work. And Trump was right….democrats and especially her and Biden have had nearly four years to ‘fix’ what they broke and it hasn’t happened. Do we really know if she had the talking points ahead of the debate? ABC hates Trump so it would not surprise me…even if she did..she still blabs about nothing. Trump was not his best…but I think that was the let her spew her vitriol in hopes people will see thru her. Once again she flip flopped from her ravings from 2016 -2020. ABC was supposed to fact check…really? On this same page as your opinions two reports surfaced…Venezuelan gang seized a hotel in El Paso and a Texas oil company warned of migrant gangs attacking and this is straight on the shoulders of the border czar Harris. This did not happen while Trump was in office. He MUST prevail or this country as we know it will cease to exist.


    My first question is: What was the panel make up? how many total, independent, party, age, sex? Without knowing that we don’t know the accuracy or validity of the conclusion reported.

    My second question is: How many times did the panel fact check Trump and how many did they check Harris? The answer is many versus few!

    In reality Harris actually lied several times: For example 7 states do in fact allow full term abortions. Trump did not complement the reberrousers in Charlottesville, the US crime stats do not include the high crime US cities several of whom do not report the data to the federal database. The panel knew the true facts and did not say a word!

    That said, I agree Trump missed some opportunities. He focused too much on his standard message and not enough on Harris’s contradictions between what she says versus her history. Trump said it but did not give enough examples of here obvious contradictions. When asked by Harris why he did dot support the proposed new immigration bill his answer should have been: Because he knew Biden/Harris would implement the provisions that increased more immigration and ignore the provisions that certified eligibility just like they have ignored current laws that require eligibility verification.

    The choice is between a far left liberal and a moderate conservative. I encourage every voter to look beyond the campaign rhetoric to both candidates history, especially on the major issues and ask if they will do what they are now saying. Yes I am a Republican who has voted for a Democrat upon occasion.


    We know that Kamala spend a week preparing for the debate with all kind of people starting on lighting, what expressions to make when you were going to speak, as a loyal follower of president Trump I appreciate how he is constantly fighting for all of us. Have defended him, had lost friends and had so many arguments with my family. I am very disappointed that he let her get into his skin! He needs to stop saying how much leaders of other countries and people love him and how much he has done for our country and hundred of people. WE ALL KNOW HOW MUCH HE DOES FOR OUR COUNTRY.All he needs to do is ask “what is your plan, how are you going to do it and how long it will take you! Please president Trump, don’t let them do that to you again, millions of us republicans and proud legal immigrants and now American citizens stand behind you!


    The way that Kamala manipulated Trump, changed her demeanor and her policies to LOOK more patriotic, Pro American capitalist instead of her marxist views, is EXTREMELY concerning!! Will she be able to manipulate well enough to get people to buy into her changed policies?? IF they want to stop the border from being over run by illegal immigrants who are murderers, felons, etc. WHAT are they waiting for, WHY have they NOT done this YET? Remember Trump had the wall mostly built, THEY tore it down!!!! She is a manipulator, but she is not able to negotiate with these other countries to stop terrible wars, she does not have their respect. ALL of them only want to know what TRUMP thinks about a matter, they could care less about what Kamala thinks!!! OUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN are going to be pulled into these wars if she was elected!


    Harris was a pathetic, preachy dem-o-rat!! Her facial expression made her look creepy most of the time she smirked at Trump! Trump discussed Harrises inability to get anything done while VP!

    John Doe

    ABC gets an F for giving Harris the “leg up” EVERY question and then putting Trump on the defensive almost every, single question! Where was Kamala’s answers for where this $6,ooo would be coming from? Where were her answers on where the $50,000 would be coming from for start-up companies? How about the $150,000 for new home buyer’s? This woman hasn’t a clue on economics. She will say and do almost anything to get elected but won’t live up to a single, solitary promise made. How do I know this? Look at the previous 31/2 years? She thinks were going to “gauge” our spending? Hello…The woman has NEVER held a real job in her life!

    Susan Almgren

    President Trump missed golden opportunities to give specific details in his debate rebuttals and in his proposed policies. He was not nearly as well rehearsed as Harris. P.Trump came across as a thin skinned reactionist touting the same old rhetoric rather than a leader with a clearly defined vision.


    I think we basically know what Mr Trump believes but what he Must do is stop bragging and show the world that he is a great guy, that loves America and bring us back to where we were before the devil took over the democratic party


    There must be a law against Kamala responding to questions made to her about her policy, she started analyzing President Trump and his actual presidency.
    No one needs an incompetent VP who had no vote from no one to scrutinize the work of a President who won people’s vote 2 times and will win for 3rd time
    with flying colors.

    Karen B Green

    Donald Trump did not look Presidential during the debate. Harris baited him and he took it hook line and sinker. He seemed ill prepared and petty. It appears Trump did not take the advise of his advisors and many supporters. Though Trump got in some meaningful responses he left the door open for her to rebut throughout the debate. She lied, but he should have risen above and presented his case. I took my own poll today and many folks did watch the debate and all felt Trump missed the mark. He has an opportunity to show the differences and he needs to present himself to the very intelligent public the same way he did at the last business forum he presented at last week. He needs to show his vision at his rally’s and in press conferences. Voters are hungry for exact plans going forward not living in the past. Everyone thought he would be a different person after the attempted assassination, more humble and grateful! Trumps thin skin could keep him from winning re-election. Karen B Greem

    Ronald Chung

    A secure border
    — 1.4% inflation
    — $2.39/gallon gas
    — ~2.7% mortgage rate Trump is he able to articulate this in another debate ? He is too gullable to fall for Harris tricks to keep him on target. When she insults him he should respond “NOT TRUE” & not try to waste time arguing to defend himself but to move on to all her short comings instead. He should take advise from Lindsey Grahm, Nickey Haley on how to attack Harris instead of falling into her traps. If he is unable to figure out how to debate its better to not debate at all any more, another bad debate for him will finish his chances for reelection……….

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