Tuesday, May 14, 2024

What is Biden’s ‘Plan B’ to Stop Iran From Getting Nukes


As prospects for a revival of the failed 2015 nuclear deal with fade, security experts are asking what is Team Biden's ‘Plan B?' And it doesn't really appear that they have one. That is creating huge concerns. (RELATED: Biden Admits Failure on Iran Policy)

According to Politico's National Security Daily newsletter, among those worried about the looming Iran threat is former Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun.

Biegun served as the State Department's No. 2 during the Trump administration, but he's a well-regarded figure among Democrats as well as Republicans. He's not a fan of the 2015 nuclear deal, nor is he a fan of Iran's destabilizing actions in the Middle East. Still, he says, “there's not a really very honest debate about what the alternative is to a deal” in U.S. foreign policy and national security circles, and “that is something that all of us bear responsibility for.”

President  's assertion that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon is a “pretty strong statement,” especially if there's no serious Plan B on the horizon, Biegun said. “If there's no [deal], then the president is essentially making a threat to end the Iranian nuclear program through the use of force,” Biegun said. “If we're going to make that kind of threat … there should be a lot more preparation, a lot more organization, to deliver on that.”

What could a Plan B look like? Biegun listed options, such as: greenlighting Israeli attacks on Iran's program; putting together a coalition of states, including Arab Gulf states, to stand up to Tehran; a fuller implementation of the sanctions-heavy Trump-era “maximum pressure” plan; or other, more covert measures.

“I don't know what the answer is, but if we're going to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon considering how close they are, that's a pretty important debate that we should be having,” he said.

Meanwhile, Politico also reports that the head of Britain's foreign intelligence service (MI6) is ‘skeptical' that Iran wants to revive the dead nuke deal. (RELATED: Iranian Official Claims Tehran Can Manufacture Nuclear Bomb)

“I'm skeptical that the supreme leader will go for the deal,” Richard Moore, the MI6 chief, told .

While an agreement is on the table and he says China and won't block the move, Moore added “I don't think the Iranians want it.”

Hence, what the hell is Biden's ‘Plan B?' ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespohttps://paulcrespo.com/
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


    • John J, this has little to do with the Joker in Chief and his incompetence. Biden is the smallest part of the problem when compared to the establishment.
      The Establishment actually wants a nuclear Iran, and instability in the Arabian Gulf region, that drive the world away from oil and into The Establishment’s hands.

  1. Those who have been following Joe Biden, the nuclear deal and the coming war between Israel and its surrounding countries understand that Iran is able to attain 91% pure Uranium and is most likely able to manufacture nuclear weapons. NOBODY has access to their labs outside of those working within whose sole purpose is to obtain nuclear capability. Is Iran concerned about the nuclear deal at this point in time? Certainly not! They will do as they wish. Israel monitors every move of Iran and is the sole country that keeps them in check. Iran is now linked together with Russia and Turkey as the three countries that will head the coming attack against Israel. Trash the Iran nuclear deal as it is not relevant at this time and it is obvious Biden could care less. This trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia was worthless.

    • When Iran starts lobbing their bombs on Israel what is senile Joe going to do? He, nor any of the stooges in his administration, actually realize that Israel is our only real ally in the middle east, maybe even the world. Everyone knows that if Iran sends a bomb towards Israel they will hit back, and that may well be the start of the WWIII.

  2. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? If they use them on us, we retaliate. If they use them somewhere else, not OUR problem. America first, dammit.

  3. “Plan ‘B'”? Who knew there was ever a “Plan ‘A'”???

    Let’s go, Brandon! Remember in November; end the insanity.

  4. Lie-den had no plan A, has no plan B and basically has no clue. This ends up being thrown into the lap of Israel! Hopefully Israel will blow the Iranian nuclear facilities to smithereens long before they launch their first rockets towards the Jewish state. This will, of course, mean another Middle East war, but hopefully Israel will again triumph. Since Iran isn’t allowing inspection, nor cameras, you know they are up to no good. If I were Israel, I wouldn’t be waiting to strike. Blow up the mountain they are hiding in and blow up the the supreme leader too.

  5. Biden hasn’t got any kind of plan because he doesn’t really care for the America people. By the way he has been running our country, you can tell he doesn’t give a hoot about you or me. He doesn’t care about our Constitution or our amendments. He has done everything against the rules we have lived by for years.

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