Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Amid Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit, Chinese Disinformation Effort Goes Into High Gear


It's not just Russia. The visit by the U.S. , to Taipei greatly angered and added fuel to the rapidly growing Chinese Communist (Chicom) disinformation efforts against and the United States.

According to U.S. cybersecurity company Mandiant, a new Chinese group used fake news sites and fake social accounts to try to undermine U.S.-Taiwanese relations prior to and during the visit.

The group used similar methods to promote false information on events from the recent Supreme Court ruling to bioweapons in .

Defense One reported that:

Mandiant discovered that the Chinese group, dubbed HaiEnergy, had published “two articles critical” of Pelosi, D-Calif., “in response to reports that she may visit Taiwan in early August. The articles [published on August 1] assert that Pelosi should ‘stay away from Taiwan' and highlight perceived tarnished relations between the U.S. and Taiwan,” Mandiant said in a blog post released Thursday.

The HaiEnergy group published fake articles across a variety of fake news outlets. HaiEnergy also attacked former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's trip to Taiwan in March, using fake Taiwanese news sites, and pushed the narrative that the United States would be an unreliable partner to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion. 

Defense One added:

HaiEnergy appears to be related to a China-based PR firm called Haixun. Mandiant says they don't yet have enough evidence to show Haixun is intentionally involved. However, the fake news sites use hosting services from the PR company. 

“Our analysis indicates that the campaign has at least leveraged services and infrastructure belonging to Haixun to host and distribute content. In total, we identified 72 websites (59 domains and 14 subdomains) hosted by Haixun, which were used to target audiences in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia,” Mandiant reports. 

But it's not just fake news and disinformation spread globally. China is also increasing its hacking and cyberwarfare efforts.

Defense One noted that: “During Pelosi's visit, the Taiwanese government was hit with a coordinated denial of service attack to block web users from accessing sites, which lasted for about 20 minutes, according to reports.

John Hultquist, the vice president of intelligence analysis at Mandiant, also said in a statement:

The situation in Taiwan has already led to cyber threat activity, some of which is apparent, like [denial of service] attacks on websites in Taiwan. Two Chinese information operations we track have shifted their narratives in recent days to a focus on U.S. House Speaker Pelosi's expected visit and the supposed dangers of the situation. We anticipate that Chinese actors are also carrying out significant cyber espionage against targets in Taiwan and the U.S. to provide intelligence on the crisis.

The new Chicom group spreads disinformation in many different languages. 

In Ukrainian, it claimed that the U.S. was conducting biowarfare experiments in Ukraine, whiled they've run articles in English alleging that pro-abortion protestors in the U.S. have been violently attacked by police after the recent Supreme Court decision. 

Mandiant also claims the shadowy group is behind numerous posts and articles targeting academics who openly discuss China's well-documented human rights abuses in Xinjiang province.

In one example, the Chinese group apparently created fake letters to show that a German academic was funded by U.S. government sources.

In standard disinformation practice, the group first tweeted a photo of a clearly fabricated letter with spelling and grammatical errors and then used a fake Swiss news site to “report” on the tweet.

While most experts obsessively focus on Russian efforts, expect a lot more increasingly sophisticated Chicom disinformation leading up to the November midterm elections and beyond. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespohttps://paulcrespo.com/
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. They would have fired missiles into the sky anyway and Winnie the Pooh has claimed that his invasion of Taiwan has already begun! He wants to be the emperor and the god of this world! He plans on taking over the USA as early as 2025 anyway!The nations of the axes of evil plan on penalizing us if we resist them! They don’t want us to interfere with all of their plans of global domination’s!

  2. Doofus Piglosi played right into china’s Hands! Intentional on her part? Absolutely, she had nefarious reasons for going, but we will never know what they are until it is too late. She must be removed from congress! If balless Biden had any, he would have stopped that trip cold. Isn’t HE supposed to be the leader? Guess not, he is obama’s Stooge, he does what Obama says.

  3. They want to save face, too bad Pelosi had to be at the center of all this, if war starts she will have blood on her hands and she should be treated as a traitor, which she is.

  4. Any shooting war with China over Taiwan, just the same as it would be with Russia over Ukraine, will quickly become a nuclear war, and that will pretty much destroy most of this planet. There is no way we could use ground troops either place because those country’s land masses are too much for our limited number of ground troops.

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