Saturday, May 11, 2024

California AG Urges More to Follow San Diego on Red Flag Orders


To get elected to statewide office in , you pretty much have to support . It doesn't necessarily need to be a driving force for you, but you've got to back it to some degree. There's really no other way to appeal to the liberal masses in the state's large cities.

When we talk about those cities, San Diego isn't usually the first place we think of. After all, this is a state with Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Yet San Diego has become very and vehemently anti-gun.

Now, the California attorney general is urging other cities to follow San Diego's lead on red flag orders:

Attorney General was in San Diego Thursday talking about gun violence, but his message was to the rest of the state: Be like San Diego.

“Why? Red flag laws are what allows a court to temporarily take away someone's firearm if they are potentially dangerous. San Diegans are taking advantage of this.

I've traveled to San Diego today to highlight the good work that is happening in this city,” Bonta said. “That is helping us turn the tide”

Bonta is praising San Diego's use of a called a gun violence restraining order, or GVRO. In the last five years, there's been 900 issued in the county.

“Thirty-two percent of all gun violence restraining orders issued statewide were issued in this county, Bonta said. “That's right, 32% of all gun restraining orders were issued right here despite San Diego County being just around 8% of California's total population.”

He said San Diego has a team dedicated to helping community members with filing a GVRO.

“They can be confusing, but and others can help demystify the tool so that it's being utilized the way it was designed and intended to save lives throughout the state,” Bonta said.

Now, please tell me I'm not the only one who sees this as troubling.

We have a state's attorney general urging cities to infringe on the constitutionally protected rights of its citizens far more often than they already do. I get that people like Bonta don't see it that way, but that's precisely what's happening.

And his defense is really just that San Diego is home to a third of the total red flag orders issued? Seriously?

This is one of many problems with red flag laws. Anti-gun lawmakers create a law that takes guns from people, but the only metric they ever use to justify the law is how often it's used.

Never mind that the homicide rate in San Diego went up 8 percent in 2021–California's red flag law was passed in 2020–which suggests that it really didn't stop that much violence. Especially since the city's rate had been trending downward, though slowly, for years before the law was passed.

Honestly, though, that's not even what Bonta is talking about. All he's really saying is that this one city has used the hell out of red flag orders and other cities should too, but why?

I mean, isn't it just as possible that San Diego is overusing them, compared to the rest of the state? If a third of all GVROs are coming out of one city, it stands to reason that you should at least consider that city might be doing something weird.

But nope. When your only metric of value is how often such orders are issued, nothing else matters.

Heaven forbid that it turns out Los Angeles and San Francisco just don't have that many people who would supposedly warrant such an order or anything.

To be perfectly honest, San Diego isn't a role model on this, but when the state tries to do everything it can to inhibit law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to keep and bear , it's not surprising that they'd hold this up as a good thing.

Read the original article in its entirety and the video at


  1. Other than being a 2nd Amendment RIGHT – I somethimes think that the SCOTUS should rule on gun laws the same way they ruled on abortions. Leave it up to each individual state. We have already witnessed that the most gun crimes and muirders occur in the cities with the most restrictive and harshest gun laws. That should indicate to anyone who actually thinks – that this is a people problem not a gun problem. Guns have been all over this country since the first settlers arrived. ALL of these gun issues have come about much more recently. Becoming exponentially worse since the turn of the century. Perhaps the real reason for all of this violence is the fact that people are poorer, they are hungry, they are more crowded in the big cities – where there is more discrimination and less oportunity and HOPE for the poor to advance. Where the poor are basically “incarcerated” in ghettoes (government housing) and the plan is to keep them there with welfare and a few “free” handouts now and then. The “free” handouts that cause taxes to go up and put even more strain on these people. Taxes go up for the rich – the price of everything else – like – rent – goes right up with them. Taxes go up – profits go down – less people are hired. This is ALL Government created – the same government that finds it very convenient to blame an inanimate object like a gun, rather than accept responsibility and do something to correct their own errors. IF they are unable to correct their errors then by all means get the hell out of the way and let’s get some people in there who can.Re-electing the same FAILURES over and over again is at the root of this problem. They have already proven that they are not up to the job. Their track record speaks for itself. .

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