Saturday, May 18, 2024

Biden’s Clueless Army Secretary Doesn’t Know What ‘Woke’ Is – So Let Me Explain


OPINION – Secretary recently said: “I'm not sure what woke means,” before giving her own interpretation of ‘woke' meaning the Army isn't focused on readiness.

She created a straw man and then knocked it down.

Wormuth clearly has no clue, or she is deceptive and disingenuous.

Let's assume it's the former. She is truly clueless. 

If so, that is the biggest problem the military is facing.

The Pentagon is increasingly ‘woke' without even knowing it.

Wormuth's comments follow the recent controversy ignited when a general belatedly responded to a 2021 broadcast when ' mocked 's focus on new women's hairstyles and maternity flight suits as the way to counter China's mushrooming military capability.

Tucker rightfully decried the military's excessive focus on feminization versus lethality.

This prompted other clueless military leaders such as Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe to stupidly jump into the fray to ‘defend women in the army' by specifically bashing Carlson.

Unfortunately for Donahue, Carlson has never attacked women in the military, but only mocked the extremes being pursued to mold the U.S. military into what he sees as an increasingly woman-focused ‘feminine' institution. (RELATED: How to Defeat Woke, Inc.)

This got the general a strong rebuke from the Army, for appearing to politicize the Army, but it was more for his tone than his substance.

The rebuke was a partial victory for those of us who understand what woke is. 

But it is not enough.

We must forcefully educate our top leaders about what ‘woke' means and the dangers it presents to our armed forces.

And our effort can't just focus on ‘woke' being a distraction from readiness.

It is far more insidious and pernicious than that.

Recall the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, , implying that understanding the ‘white rage' he ignorantly claimed was behind the Capitol riot was not being ‘woke.'

Well, General Milley, it is — since ‘white rage' had nothing to do with the riot and your comments show how you have been infected with without even knowing it. (RELATED: ‘Elite' Civilian Education is Making American Military Leaders Woke Lefties – And Destroying Our Military)

Or his comments that indoctrinating our troops with racist neo-Marxist Critical Race Theory (CRT) concepts is somehow similar to simply ‘understanding our enemy.'

No, General Milley, you too are dangerously clueless.

Forcing our troops to absorb racist and divisive anti-white propaganda isn't ‘understanding the enemy,' it's infusing our military with the enemy's value and turning our military against itself.

Being woke isn't being against women in the military or being against diversity in principle.

Being woke is leftist extremism intended to re-engineer our society and military using neo-Marxist socialist concepts masquerading as ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion' ().

It is focusing on race over everything else. It is reverse discrimination. 

It is taking extreme steps to kowtow to women's unique needs, or expecting the taxpayer to endorse, promote and pay for radical life-long, life-altering treatments to change sexes for troops with gender dysphoria.

It is forcing troops and cadets to use gender pronouns and making them drop the terms ‘mom and dad' at the Air Force Academy. (RELATED: Air Force Bans Use of ‘Mom and Dad')

As I noted in depth in my earlier piece, it is socialism in sheep's clothing.

It is targeting and purging Christians and conservatives in the military as potentially dangerous ‘extremists.'

The Army's leftist wokeness is seen as a major factor in alienating conservative, white, Christian men and women, which make up the military's biggest recruiting pool.

It is a big part of the reason the Army is in its biggest recruiting crisis since Vietnam.

Being ‘woke' is a deadly cancer. Especially for our military.

In order to fight it, our leaders first need to know what it is.

They clearly don't have a clue. That needs to change immediately. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: ‘Equity' is the Opposite of Equality – It's Evil Code for Socialism >>

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. It’s a shame that when that America hating obama took office, one of the first things he did was clean out the real military leaders, and replace them with political officers that agreed with him, and they are still inoffice. With the Wokeness of our military, and the unwillingness of the younger generations to serve in our military, if we ever need to fight for the survival of our country, we just might be in trouble.

  2. “WHITE RAGE MILLEY” u are a pathetic,disgraceful,worthless,disgusting,traitor who tried to orchistrate a coup against president Trump.When the repukes take back the house and senate, u should be charged with treason, and put before a firing squad. But I know that probably won’t happen with this corrupt president, and government. Your karma will come back and haunt u,it always does.


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