Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Bloomberg-Funded Group Blames Gun Researcher for MSU Shooting


Following a shooting at Michigan State University Monday night, groups immediately started pointing their fingers again at anyone and everyone they could blame for the incident.

The Trace, a non-profit “newsroom” funded by set their sights once again on conservative researcher , Founder and President of the .

Lott fought back against the attack on his life's work, and character, and implored The Trace actually to read the work he does, exposing the facts about mass shooters, their motivations, and the laws already in place that failed to prevent their actions. He exposes the facts that the mainstream refuses to publish.

Frank Miniter, editor of the NRA's publication America's 1st Freedom recently conducted a sit-down interview with Lott, where Lott called out the left's techniques used to silence him throughout his career.

Lott continues his work, despite decades of the left's best attempts to delegitimize his work. You can read Lott's latest piece for American Liberty News next: Recent California Shootings Prove Gun Control Isn't the Answer.

Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.


  1. Blame the liberal Soros judge who gave the shooter a slap on the wrist instead of putting him in prison.

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