Sunday, May 19, 2024

These Senate Republicans Voted With Democrats To Approve New VA Abortion Policy


Republican members of the House and Senate failed to stop a new rule to turn ' hospitals into mills when two Senate Republicans voted with Democrats against a joint resolution of disapproval.

On September 9, 2022, the Biden administration announced it would begin performing abortions for veterans and their dependents through the taxpayer-funded Veterans Administration health care system. This rule violates federal law, Section 106 of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, which explicitly prohibits the VA from providing abortion services.

­On February 8, 2023, ­U.S. Senator , R-Ala., and U.S. Representative , R-Texas-27, introduced a bicameral joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, with 35 cosponsors in the Senate and 51 cosponsors in House, which would block the new rule.

The 1996 Congressional Review Act allows a simple majority of to block any federal regulations within 60 days of it being issued.

But the effort failed in the Senate on a 48-51 vote when Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski, , and , Maine, voted with every Senate Democrat against the resolution. Democrat , a pro-abortion radical, is recovering from illness and was absent for the vote.

Murkowski and Collins last year introduced a bill that would make the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling federal law, imposing abortion-on-demand nationwide.

Tuberville appealed to senators before the vote.

“Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for abortions. Especially not when this was done without anybody taking a vote in this building. Especially not when Congress voted to make it illegal 30 years ago. It's illegal and it's wrong. In just a few moments, the Senate has the chance to do something about it. We are going to vote on a bipartisan basis to overturn this rule,” said Tuberville.

“Anyone who believes in the appropriations process must oppose this rule and support this resolution. Voting ‘no' would mean letting the administration spend money without the consent of the people in this room. And that's what we're elected to do,” Tuberville added.

“Voting ‘no' means a big stamp of approval for a blatantly-illegal regulation…The VA should be focused on their mission. Lord knows we've got veterans who need help right now,” Tuberville added.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Chemical Abortion: The US And Japan's Decisions Endanger Women And Children

Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. Murkowski and Collins…why am I not surprised? These two two hosers the Republicans oughta tar and feather and run ’em outa town! But NOOOO. They will just invite them to more cocktail parties hosted by Switch Mitch and Chuckie-Wuckie.

  2. RINO’s and democrats and liberals love death and destruction. Christ Jesus will hold them accountable.

  3. I’ll tell you what. SCOTUS ruled that only states could act and rule on abortions. I don’t know where an agency of the Federal Government stands in this mess but I do know that the Defense Department has for years been providing health care for service members and dependents with medical services. Most of the Dems in Congress wouldn’t know that because most of them would ever enlist in the military. If a large portion of States pass abortion laws providing no consideration for the mother, for the viability of the fetus to survive birth or live a normal life Republicans are going to lose the 2024 election. I am hardly a R(h)ino, I have voted for a Republican candidate since Nixion’s second run. But my mother and sisters were just as much citizens as I am. You people better stop fighting with each other. In case you are wondering, I was in the Army two weeks after I graduated from college and we were in the middle of a “conflict.”

  4. Seems to me, that folks who don’t care about unborn fetus’s lives don’t really care about ANYBODY ELSE’S lives either. Except for their own, of course.

    Why they are continuously elected to governing offices is beyond me.

  5. You mentioned “members of the house” – why did you NOT name the rinos in that part of CON-gress

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