Monday, May 13, 2024

White House Press Secretary Doubles Down On Radical Anti-Parent Narrative


Press Secretary lets slip an all too common woke and progressive claim – that what's ours is what's theirs. Of course, there are things in this life which are communal – our country, our rights, some of our responsibilities even. But our children are ours, not theirs. Which is the very thing that Jean-Pierre was arguing against. It's in this piece from Jezebel:

WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Trans Youth: ‘These Are Our Kids, They Belong to All of Us'

A more vile view of humanity is difficult to imagine. For the claim there is that our children – you know, the ones we had, sweated and screamed over, work our fingers to the bone for – actually belong to them. Of course, that's what is meant by “all of us.” That the community should determine how our children live and what they are taught.

In more detail, at the GLAAD awards:

“I've met a lot of parents of trans kids in the past couple of months who have told me these devastating stories, whether they're in or or wherever they are, saying how they now have to seriously consider leaving their state to protect their child,” Jean-Pierre told Jezebel on Saturday. “That's something that we have to call out and continue to be very about. These are kids. These are our kids. They belong to all of us.”

Leave aside the particular issue here, and the logical difficulty of the position. “To protect their child” and “These are our kids.” If they're their, kids then they're not our kids, are they?

Now, of course, it's possible to say that this was just some quick interview at an awards show. It wasn't the considered of the administration. Anyway, press officers don't set policy, they merely present and explain it. But it's exactly in those informal statements that the general beliefs come through. Unconsidered remarks show the background thinking.

And what Jean-Pierre is saying is that your kids don't belong to you. They belong to the administration, or the woke and progressive who control the school system perhaps, but they belong to them. They act like it too. Many school districts refuse to detail to parents what their kids are taught. On the grounds that teaching kids is far too important for parents, it must be done by those in the system. The kids belong to that system, not to the parents who gave birth to them, not to the parents who get up at 4 am on freezing mornings to put food on the table.

No, no, the attitude is that your children actually belong to them, to be taught, raised, educated and molded as they say. At this point a certain disagreement over basic worldviews may be observed. Because of course, our children are exactly our children. To be raised and molded as we think right. Precisely because the having and raising of children is the most important function of human life – whether one uses Darwin or Deuteronomy as the guide, that is what the entire game of life is all about.

The effrontery of it, the gall. The most important thing in our own lives is for them to toy with as they wish.

Sure, it's entirely possible to differ over the raising of kids, that's been happening since the title of mother-in-law was invented. But that idea that the most personal of things, the most vital part of our lives – our children – is a vile rejection of absolutely everything that America is about. Which is rather the battle on our hands, the progressives don't actually agree over what America is.

This article originally appeared in Accuracy in Media. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.


  1. No! These kids “belong” to their parents! Take your commie, satanic ideas and put I’m where the sun don’t shine, Jean Pierre!!!

  2. Good parents raise good kids who are good citizens when adults. Good parenting means nurturing them, teaching them essentials such as good behavior, getting along with others, safety and making or helping the child get education necessary for them to be productive and in turn, raise their future children well.

    Leftists such as this press secretary, believe the state owns the children and wants the parents to defer to the state, even if the state is doing evil and nonsense to the kids.

  3. Is it a coincidence that the progressives’ attitude about who children belong to is the same as communists’?

  4. Never vote for a liberal, lying democrat in any election. – Federal, State or local – period. Everything the press secretary says is a liberal lie. God help this Country.

  5. All children belong to Yhwh God Who created them, and are on loan to their biological parents, to protect, nurture, and raise to be Godly adults. It’s those parents who will answer to Him, not the “state”, for how they turn out! The “state ” at present, is pushing wholly Satanic agendas so lies and hate on children, from which it is the DUTY of parents to protect the children entrusted to them. They lie to the parents’faces, about the parents to their children, to the children about who and what they are, about the true heritage of the children, about everything that comes from their mouths! Parents need to take back the children entrusted to their care, fire the “teachers” and resume the task which Yhwh God set them when He blessed the parents with the gift of His children to raise.

  6. That being the case as far as the libtards are concerned – send the white house a bill for any money and ALL you have to spend on ‘their’ kid and remind them according to your own spokesman – you own the kid and I am well within my right to demand compensation. Inundate this stoopid gummit.
    Every parent ought to do exactly that and watch the s___ hit the fan.

    • Be careful what you wish for. They will compensate us and raise our taxes to pay for it…!

  7. A good parent teaches their children to be mature, productive, law-abiding adults who take responsibility for themselves. The best parents teach these values through example rather than with words.

  8. IF KJP’s lips are moving she’s lying like all Demonrats. There is absolutely nothing anywhere that gives our children to the government so sit down and shut up you lying witch.

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