Saturday, May 11, 2024

MSNBC Goes There, Claims Vote For Trump Is ‘Endorsement Of Political Violence’


You're not merely a deplorable anymore, according to one cable news host.

suggested on her Saturday morning program that if wins the Republican nomination for president, it will be a “ endorsement of political violence.”

Phang highlighted messages posted by two of Trump's supporters in response to his latest indictment.

By all accounts, she has not covered threats from left-wing ideologues, including the attempted assassination of multiple Republican members of by a Bernie Sanders supporter at a baseball practice in 2017, with the same level of scrutiny.

Mediaite's Tommy Christopher has more:

Trump himself broke the blockbuster news Thursday that he has been indicted in Special Counsel 's investigation into his retention of under the Espionage Act, news that shook the political world.

Phang said she was particularly troubled by tweets from Reps. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., and Clay Higgins, R-La.

On Saturday, Higgins said that “we [conservatives] use the Constitution as our only weapon.”

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. America is now a Banana Republic. Why are liberals so hell bent on destroying America? What is it that they are not seeing? Wake up Liberals. This is not about President Donald Trump any longer; this is about America. Remember, these tables can be turned. Once this is allowed to happen in our country, we are no longer free.

    • Hold the line! Don’t let them trick you into giving them an excuse to get you.
      DJT has so many false accusations that he could be locked up beyond the rest of his life. All those Patriots of Jan 6 are locked away. Don’t react stupidly bc you give them ammo to use against you. We will regain control but we MUST hold the line.
      They are in control but we have God on our side!

    • There is an unbelievable amount of weak-minded people indoctrinated by schools, media and fake leaders who will fight to believe the garbage pushed upon them.

      • As brainwashed as any group is the current crop of so-call newspersons/journalists who came out of college completely settled in their political leanings by the “teaching” of their Liberal Professors. Unfortunately, even as they have matured, they have not taken a step back to see what different policies have actually accomplished, nor critiqued their own “reporting” day after day on a one-way street!! They never wonder if they are actually reporting or just being a mouth piece for the liberal political party???

        • Spike – proof of the favorite saying from my philosophy professor: “you can lead a student to knowledge but cannot make them think” – of course that was over 50 years ago and I realize much of what passes for ‘higher education’ these days has changed dramatically.

  2. Why is this psychotic woman even written about? She’s no different from Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Nadler or Biden or Garland or Blinken or too many names to mention.

  3. Seems like all of us Trump voters have a great class action suit against these networks for defamation and slander. Where is our class action suit? They are inciting violence against us with these lies!

  4. MSNBC – you have a problem! You mention Trump will bring violence? No, the left will cause violence just like BLM & Antifa did 1-3 years ago. You should view the tapes from Jan 6 where it shows the violence came from DC Policemen & other illegals (probably hired by our famous speaker at the time). After all, Trump offered extra security to Pelosi the day before Jan 6 & both Pelosi & Browser/Bowser declined the offer. The Capitol Police opened the Capitol doors to all the people outside which included BLM & Antifa – I watched this entire day, including personal videos with comments, on TV. Stop blaming Trump – he said NO violence to his supporters. Of course, there are always some that go off on their own but that includes both sides of our political parties. Unfortunately, the only one killed was shot by a Capitol Policeman – she was former military & had NO gun! Yet, he didn’t go to jail. There needs to be some arrests that need to be made that should have been made because of Jan 6 & not on the side of the Republicans. The people in jail don’t belong there – it is unconstitutional what is happening to these people – no health care, no attorney call! So now we are communists! Or at least you are!

    • Why can’t the Trump supporters enjoin on a class action lawsuit for defamation/libel/slander? This seems to be a perfect open-and-shut case for defamation.

    • The scariest thing that has happened in this country was AFTER the January 6 demonstration with overt political persecutions and arrests and even then conservative demonstrators sent to prison!!!

  5. Is she particularly “troubled” when she notes the the FBI and the DOJ come down hard on the most innocuous infraction of a Conservative American and basically ignore and then hide evidence relating to serious crimes of Liberals??? Any loyal American should see the resemblance this bears to Third World Countries where they “go after” their political opponents and be terrified that the tables might turn and it will be themselves that get raided by over 20 FBI agents in the wee hours of the morning for some minor misdemeanor!!!

  6. Dm – ya probably should have said ‘out to dry’ at the end of your original comment and ‘perhaps’ even the libs would have had no objections. 😉

  7. Some of you did not see Clay Higgins’ post!
    Trump’s got this. He’s tough. Our response is to hold the line. We can do it! Stay tough!

  8. What they’re saying is “The left will go on another rioting spree if we vote for Trump again”. Bring it, slimeballs!!!

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