Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Former Republican House Speaker Says Trump Indictment Makes Him ‘Unelectable’


Is it time for Donald Trump to throw in the towel?

Days after being indicted a second time and a growing coalition of Republicans say Trump can kiss his dreams of a second presidential term goodbye.

Former Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) said the federal indictment of Trump last week will make him unelectable in 2024.

“If we nominate anybody not named , we're going to beat ,” Ryan said Tuesday during an appearance on CBS This Morning.

“He's got a great core of support, and in a primary that's what you build off of. So it does matter,” Ryan said. “But I think the electability argument is going to become more salient with this event and whatever happens in the future…it's going to make it easier to make the argument to his supporters he's not electable.”

“He's going to cost us the Senate again, he's going to cost us House seats, and we want to win,” he added.

Trump has repeatedly clashed with the Fox Corp. executive over the years.

Earlier this year Ryan vowed not to attend the RNC if Trump wins the 2024 nomination. (RELATED: Paul Ryan Refuses to Attend RNC if Trump Wins 2024 Nomination)

On Tuesday, Trump was arraigned in Miami on more than 30 counts related to his handling of after he left the White House. Federal prosecutors have accused Trump of risking national security and violating of the Espionage Act.

Trump has maintained his innocence and repeatedly accused the administration of weaponizing the Department of Justice (DOJ) against him.

READ NEXT: The Republican Party Is Steeped In Negativity – It's Time To Change The Message

Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


    • Paul Ryan was opposed to building the border wall, but used government funds to build a wall around his home and property in Wisconsin! Scumbag is probably too kind!

  1. If you’re against Trump….then I know for sure he’s the one we need in the White House….and I will be voting for him….you can not tell me who I can and cannot have for president….you are such a disappointment….and a total sleaze ball…..I cannot believe I actually held you in high regard at one time….I’m glad Trump made you show your true colors….

  2. There is a reason why Paul Ryan is no longer Speaker. It was this kind of attitude that empowered the Left Wing Dems to take over. It is refreshing to see the current GOP making strides to bring this country back into the constitutional reign by finally trying to wrestle power back from unelected and seemingly criminal civil servants! Especially seeing elected officials restoring equal justice for all! That includes Hillary, Biden, Clinton and Obama. They all are guilty of mishandling classified documents yet only President Trump is being prosecuted. It’s NOT justice- It’s politics by criminals. Remember- a vast amount of citizens took an oath to uphold the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. Time to hold their feet to the fire!

  3. Ryan, you’re like most in gov. They are railroading President Trump and you know it and you don’ try to do a damn thing about it. When are you GOPS going to grow a pair, just wait they will come for you next.

  4. PAUL RYAN, a person that you cannot trust, he has proven that he is nothing more than a RINO, who hates TRUMP and as c.o.b at fix news as proven as much.


  6. RINO ryan has no problem attacking Trump but has nothing to say about joe and hunter crimes that should be investigated. IMO

  7. Yessiree, that’s who I get my political, legal and Constitutional information from — Paul Ryan. Just to refresh your memory, HE was the Republican House Speaker who had all the BIG ideas, and all the BIG plans to make BIG changes in Washington. An ancient proverb says it best — “the mountain labored mightily and gave forth — — — a mouse.” Ryan left politics for (as Howie Carr says) reasons of health; the voters were sick of him.

  8. ONE reason Paul Ryan and others of his ilk — from BOTH parties — hate Trump is that he accomplished many of the things THEY always promise to do, but never get done. He made them look bad by showing them up for the liars they are.

  9. Why are they calling this POS a republican leader. We all know at best he is a rino and more likely a democrat. He got in Trump’s way at every turn. Trump will win even if he is railroaded by the DOJ.

  10. Paul RINO is a former Republican leader. Your headline is misleading. He now leads nobody!

  11. Paul Ryan is a despicable deep state agent. He did all he could to diffuse and delay any progress in the first Trump administration as RINO speaker of the house and he is now trying to stop progression of Trump’s second administration from his pulpit at Faux Fox News. Who cares what he thinks. He is truly Anti American and supportive only of the globalist money that pays his way. Deep state is in it for themselves, and to hell with all of America. They see us as cash cows and lemmings. Patriots with Trump in 2024!

  12. This POS RINO should be kicked out of the Republican party.
    When you can’t cut it as a politician you become
    a RINO voice for the liberals. He and Cheney make a good RINO couple.

  13. How sad that this turncoat RINO Ryan stands there in his BLUE tie and degrades the #1 choice of the People.

  14. Paul Ryan is the most reviled RINO, even when he was “Speaker of the House.” He needs to be expelled from the Republican Party, as he is a low-life double agent of the Democratic Party!

  15. Throw in the towel, in that one statement Mr Ryan, you have expressed the very reason we Republicans are fed up with our so called leadership and why we absolutely support our President Donald Trump! The man is a lion, with the spine of steel! He has endured more false accusations and unwarranted hate the last 7 years then anyone I have ever seen, yet he continues to stand, continues to unwaver like a giant Sequoia tree. You Mr Ryan squandered the 1st 2 years of the Trump presidency by standing in his way in everything he tried to accomplish, yet while you threw in the towel, President Trump continued to fight for the American people and found success despite you’re weak leadership! Go away Mr Ryan, you are no longer relevant!

  16. Wouldn’t you know that Paul Ryan would throw out the innocent until proven guilty part of the Constitution and replace it with guilty if charged! What an unAmerican political hack!

  17. Mark Twain at the report his death said: “The report of my death is an exaggeration.”

    Wishful thinking on Paul Ryan’s pardon my opinion.

    If he wants to see someone on electable, all he needs to do is look at a mirror.

    • You have a greater chance of your god creating you his 1,000 different genders he promises you globlaist puppet, demonrat criminal voters than Trump and Americans losing a fair election without god and his globalists and his globalist puppets voter fraud .

  18. Nobody cares if RINO Paul Ryan attends the RNC. He has never done anything but stall and get nothing done.

  19. The short answer is that even if Trump is convicted, the charges against him won’t disqualify him from the presidency, legal experts tell TIME. “There is no constitutional bar on a felon running for office,” says Richard Hasen, an election law professor at UCLA Law School.Mar 30, 2023

    So…Mr. Ryan!…If you were a lawyer you REALLY wouldnt be professing what you said…Nice try tho!

  20. Paul RYAN is a dull boring person who has no charisma or sex appeal. He could not get elected outside of wisconsin, He should keep his damn mouth shut and let’s see what happens. Trump is always full of surprises and very determined. He hates to lose and is very exciting and charismatic.

  21. globalists only hired their globalist puppet ryan because their globalist puppet ryan continues to preach their globalist agendas .

  22. When god and his globalists and his god worshiping demonrat criminal party and his god worshiping rino criminal party and all his CRIMINAL organizations hate you, You know you are doing everything correct .

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