Saturday, May 18, 2024

Shannon Watts Has A Big Problem With Jason Aldean’s New Song In Praise Of Small Towns


On Saturday, country singer dropped the music video to his new single “Try That in a Small Town”, and almost as quickly perpetually offended anti-gun activists like Shannon Watts were expressing their outrage; not because of any slights to big cities on the part of Aldean, but because he dared to sing about the unpopularity of in rural America when just a few years ago he was at least somewhat supportive of Watts' agenda.

Shannon Watts tweeting about Jason Aldean's new song talking about shootings.

“Got a gun that my granddad gave me/they say one day they're gonna round up/Well, that shit might fly in the city/Good luck.”

First off, if Watts isn't interested in rounding up , then why be bothered by this at all? Supposedly she's only interested in “reasonable” and “common sense” measures, not gun confiscation, so what's the issue?

I think we all know the answer. Despite those claims of moderation, Watts and the other thought leaders of the gun control lobby aren't interested in common sense or common ground with gun owners. They're working to obliterate our right to keep and bear , and Aldean's lyrics are a proverbial slap in the face, especially when just a few years ago Watts could count on him being at least somewhat amendable to her agenda.

Months after the October 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, Aldean told the Associated Press that guns were “too easy to get.”

“It's too easy to get guns, first and foremost,” he said. “When you can walk in somewhere and you can get one in five minutes, do a background check that takes five minutes, like, how in-depth is that background check?”

He added in the interview that he had avoided speaking about gun control in the past, calling it a “no-win situation.”

“I think no matter what you say, whether you're for gun control or not, I mean, you're setting yourself up to be crucified in the public eye or in the ,” he said.

In Watts' world, Aldean's new song would probably go something like this:

Got a gun that my granddad gave me

But I decided to give it away

Got myself a $50 gift card

At my small town gun buyback yesterday

Preacher Bob was standing in line

Along with my old ex Sally Mae

We all decided Shannon Watts was right

so we all gave our guns away

How well do you think that would go over with Aldean's fan base?

I honestly have no idea where Aldean stands on gun control these days, but I'm positive he knows where most of his audience comes down on the issue, and they're not standing with Shannon.

I live a few miles outside of one of those small towns that Aldean is singing about, and I can tell you that the attitude expressed in “Try That in a Small Town” is pretty much spot on, at least in my neck of the woods. We're looking to be left alone, not spoiling for a fight, but if it ever comes down to it the gun owners where I live aren't going to stand in line to turn in our banned firearms or to give up our fundamental rights.

As for Aldean himself, I hope that he won't shy away any longer from talking about his views on the . While there's something to be said about letting the music speak for itself, we're also at a point in time where 2A supporters need to be loud and proud in defense of their rights; even country stars with their own private security detail.


    • Some irrelevant globalist puppet like globalist puppet greta thornbug and globalist puppet hogg and globalist puppet gore etc .

  1. I live in Oregon, where it was once common for the mills and other businesses to shut down during the first few weeks of hunting season because they knew their workforce was gonna be in the woods regardless of company policy. It was also an Oregon where people not only didn’t lock their cars, they left the keys in them. Portland now dominates the state, having fully half the populattion and only the deaf, dumb and blind are unaware of the mess it’s become (its growth almost entirely due to transplanted Californians convinced that the same idiotic policies which drove them to flee to here would somehow have a different result if implemented a few degrees of latitude north of the disaster which is San Fran. And what is Portland’s latest gift to Oregon’s decay? Well, they just imposed, on the state, one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation – a law wholly at odds with ALL Supreme Court precedence going back to 1939. However, a Fed’l District Judge (Democratic appointee – if you had to ask) has just ruled it constitutional because nobody needs a semi-auto with more then 5 or 10 rounds for “self-defense”. Oddly (esp. given my honors degree in law and decades of practice as a lawyer), I was unable to find anything in the 2nd Amendment or the Constitution, generally, which slaved the right to “keep and bear arms” to “self-defense” (let alone self-defense as defined by a big city lawyer elevated to the bench). We are now the spear tip in the fight for gun rights. Anyone able to do so is urged to support the folks at the NRA and the FPC and the USCAA and the other gun rights groups who are fighting this fight. If they win here, it won’t just be the small towns of Oregon which are affected by the failed policies and myopic vision of the big cities, it will be all of them – yes, even in Texas – and it won’t just be Austin that’s weird when the Californicators get their way..

    • Yup, oldefarte, I hear ya. Oregonian here, born and raised, 6th generation and sick of the filth infiltrating our beautiful state. This particular infringement of our 2nd amendment and Article 1, Section 27 of the Oregon Constitution will be fought and I hope it goes all the way to the Supreme Court. Worthless endeavor to even bring this up but the gun grabbers are fools for punishment.
      “The 2nd Amendment does not apply
      to semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply
      to bolt action rifles, pistols, or
      revolvers. The 2nd Amendment
      technology of the firearm is irrelevant.
      The restrictions on government
      remain the same, regardless of the
      firearm. The Second Amendment was
      not written to grant permission for
      citizens to own and bear firearms. It
      forbids government interference in the
      right to keep and bear arms, period.
      The right of the people to keep and
      bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

      Enjoy your day!

    • I’d like to “correct” you on one thing, Oldefart. Those transplanted “Californians” who have made such a mess of Oregon are the same ones who came to California in the 70s and 80s and made a mess of this state. I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that read “Welcome to California. Now go home.” Unfortunately they didn’t pay attention to me.

  2. They know we’ve already got a whole lot of ‘common sense gun control’, so confiscation is what they’re after.

  3. Jason Aldean just moved to the top of my play list! If Shannon Watts and her ilk would enforce the current laws they have on the books, people might willing to respect them, as it stands now its a ongoing tragedy. Day after day the worst slaughter occurs in their beloved Democratic run cities, where legal guns are virtually banned. Criminals are caught and released on appearance tickets to commit another crime. Gun crimes committed with an illegal gun does not receive the elevated punishment it deserves. Meanwhile illegal guns and fentanyl (which probably kills as many people as guns) stream accross our southern border unchecked. What a bunch of baby killing, drug & dependency promoting hypocrites!

    • I tried to play Aldean on my SPOTIFY and suddenly I’m banned, my login wont work, nothing, and at the same time a great number of my other “microscam” accounts stopped working, as well as my news accounts

  4. Screw Shannon watts, the people have voted,….and jason aldean song has topped the charts, whereas people are still asking who the hell is shannon watts and what country is he from? NOT AMERICA FOR SURE !

  5. Shannon Watts is who?? She is nobody to me or anyone I know. It is a song leave it alone. Dont like it dont listen.

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