Monday, May 13, 2024

Biden Gets An Earful From Fox News After Embarrassing Vietnam Presser


A questionable press conference in ended with President telling reporters he was going to bed before a White House aide intervened and ended the questioning.

Biden struggled during the conference, requiring staff assistance before being played off like an Oscar winner whose speech went too long.

The spectacle elicited a pointed reaction from White House correspondent , who's covering the 2023 G20 summit in New Delhi.

Mediaite's Ken Meyer explains:

“That is not something that you usually see at a solo press conference from the president,” Doocy said, “but neither is an announcement that he needs to go to bed.”

Doocy's report came after he inadvertently gave positive commentary on Biden's work schedule, even as the president's age and mental acuity have become a prominent concern of his aptitude for office. Ainsley Earhardt acknowledged, “I'm sure every president is tired when they travel so far, and the time changes are different. But have we ever had a president in the history of our country stand up at the podium and say I'm tired; I'm going to bed?”

“It's possible, and he did have a long night in terms of working eastern hours,” said Doocy. “He was up basically from 11:30 P.M. Eastern through — that comment was made in the 10:00 A.M. Eastern hour. But it was like early evening here. It was morning back in the States. And so, it was surprising to hear that he didn't have a few more minutes for questions for a press corps that did travel all the way to Vietnam to talk to him.”

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. Congrats to Biden to show the world what s very old man acts like and talks like a idiot. His staff is a disgrace to lead him off stage and he says he needs to go to bed. So how did Biden sign a order to cancel oil leases in Alaska in the middle of night? He didn’t! His staff wrote it they signed it and put Biden on stage with note cards to read like it was his idea. It’s disgusting and sickening to see a fraud put in office by the democrats nazi regime to destroy America. But you voters will vote for creepy uncle Joe because you’re no better than creepy uncle Joe ! Waiting for America to fall so you can say what? You helped destroy freedom and rights of the American citizens. Karma comes along with your not looking. Biden and his followers have a lot of karma coming to them.

  2. America/world is embarrassed every day, this lying,senile,frail,old,puppet,fool,pretending president,gets up in front of the world,babbles for a minute,and his babysitters take him out,because he needs his beauty sleep.He just doomed america, in Alaska,and inriched russia ioo’s of time over,and also helped,iran and china immensely, but has done nothing for America..It’s time for grandpa,joe to resign,step,down or be impeached for total incompetence,and being mentally unfit, to do his job.He is the laughing stock of the world,not funny anymore,but dangerously sad for all of us.

  3. Our courageous, honorable, heroic, fearless, and totally feckless senators and congressmen could have ended this total nightmare a year or two ago already, had they any self respect.

    As it stands, they have about as much self respect as the shameless thieves who installed this wreck of a Dementiacrat into the presidency to start with.

    The people of America need to get rid of a whole lot more politicians than Empty Skull Joe and Kackling Kamala come next election.

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