Sunday, May 12, 2024

Under Fire: Georgia Mayor’s Plan To Punish Gun Theft Victims


Leave your gun unsecured in your car? Straight to the gulag!

Mayor of Savannah, is sick of gun violence in his city, so he's going after what he views as one source of the problem: people who have their firearms stolen from their car. If that sounds off to you, you're not alone. But Mayor Johnson argues it's a big source for “illegal firearms,” which fuel violence in Savannah and elsewhere in the state.

Learn how police held an innocent family in a Dodge Charger at gunpoint here.

As detailed out in a report from local newspaper Savannah Now, the mayor plans to introduce an ordinance that penalizes gun owners if they don't secure them inside their vehicle and those firearms are subsequently stolen.

In addition, gun owners who do fall victim to theft will be required to report it to the government within 24 hours. We're not sure if the same thing applies when losing all your firearms in a boating accident.

Before you start thinking this is just heavy-handed governance proposed by a mayor who's trying to deflect any personal responsibility for ballooning violent rates, consider this. The Savannah Police Department says that of the 176 guns stolen from cars in the city from January 1 to September 2, 82% were inside vehicles that were left with the doors unlocked.

Perhaps we're paranoid from covering stolen car news all over the world, but we lock our car doors even when it's sitting inside a locked garage. And we know quite a few gun owners who if they're going into a place where they can't carry, like a courthouse, they either leave their firearm at home or lock it in the glovebox or a safe hidden somewhere in the interior.

Apparently, a lot of people in Savannah just don't lock their car doors. We've seen police in other cities hang reminders to lock car doors on the rearview mirror of vehicles. They go around and check car doors like criminals do, instead they don't take anything but rather lock the car for the owner. Why not start with that instead of trying to prosecute the victims of theft?

After all, would a city go after the owner of a Kia that was stolen, then involved in a fatal accident? Would the car doors being locked absolve that Kia owner of supposed legal guilt for the fatality?

We know of at least one automotive site that has, shall we say more authoritarian leanings and is a huge fan of this proposal. What do you think?

This article originally appeared in The Auto Wire. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

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Steven Symes
Steven Symes
Steven has loved all things on wheels from an early age. He started off admiring Corvettes and Porsches, but his tastes have grown to include a variety of everything, from classic to modern vehicles.


  1. We lock our cars every where we go, and if they are sitting in the door yard we even lock them there, and in the barn too. We have unlocking fobs and also know how to stick a key in the door lock too. When I go to the store, I of course, lock the doors on the car and when I come out and get in the car I immediately lock the the doors so no one can open the doors and try to force me out at gun point and steal it. I’m a 79 year old military VET but I never take a firearm away from our property unless I’m going to the range or hunting, because I don’t want to shoot at human beings again. If you come on our place with bad intentions all bets are off and you are taking your own life in your hands, because I will shoot you and I’m a damn good shot.

  2. Born and raised in Savannah but DON’T claim this jerk of a mayor.

    Watch and see! People who have their guns STOLEN will end up with more punishment than the thugs that steal it and commit a crime.


    Democrats AREN’T gonna punish DEMOCRATS for stealing your guns and using them!!!

    EDIT: But people who leave guns in an unlocked car? LOCK THEM UP !!! R or D.

  3. People that leave a gun in an unlocked vehicle don’t necessarily sound like they’re responsible, upstanding citizens to start with.

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