Sunday, May 12, 2024

RINO Ken Buck Quits On MSNBC


RINO and all-over-the-map conservative (R-CO-4) announced his retirement Wednesday while making another appearance on Andrea Mitchell's hardly-watched MSNBC program. After six terms, first being elected in 2014, Buck is calling it quits, citing on Twitter/X that “too many Republican leaders are lying to America.”

Specifically, Buck laments the GOP's continued argument over the 2020 election outcome, the events depicted on January 6th and the targeting of the Justice Department for alleged politically motivated investigations.

The district Buck is retiring from, 's 4th on the eastern side of the state, is solid red. In 2020, 58% cast their vote for then-President Donald J. Trump.

Buck has been a regular on leftist legacy talk programs, especially CNN and MSNBC, criticizing the GOP for questioning the 2020 election outcome and being a staunch supporter of former Member of (R-Wyo.). He currently opposes the effort to impeach President Joseph Biden as a waste of time. Unfounded rumors circulated on about Buck's desire to retire over the past months and about what network he may land at – but his announcement on MSNBC may lend some credence to those recent palace whispers.

While a member of the Freedom Caucus, most of the GOP conference will certainly not miss him or his odd brand of individual conservative standards. He viewed himself a strict budget and deficit hawk of sorts, who raged at McCarthy's decision to push a temporary CR rather than support individual appropriation bills. He then joined the eight members led by Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1) to vote to replace Speaker McCarthy, triggering an unexpected three week long leadership race. He voted against Scalise (R-La.) and Jordan (R-Ohio) in their speaker bids due to their vote not to certify the 2020 election – yet Buck supported and voted for Speaker (R-LA-4) who did the very same thing. Buck's brand of seems to have no true litmus test – it's some sort of self “made as you go” conservative set of standards he decides along the way.

Buck predicts more members like him will be announcing their retirement plans for reasons similar to his own – sounds great. The more RINOs who retire in deep red districts, the better for true conservatives to take back the party and put America First.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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