Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Republicans Win In Massachusetts, Defy National Trend


While Republicans lost across the country last Tuesday, how did a Republican win in ?

For the first time in five years, a Massachusetts Republican won a legislative seat previously held by a Democrat. How did I win this race in a blue state?

It was a one issue campaign: .

Right now, the Commonwealth is overrun with illegal immigrants being welcomed by our new Democrat Governor . She has placed over 7,500 so-called newcomer families in 30 hotels spread across the state costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

When this race for state senate started, there were roughly 3,000 newcomer families in hotels. My client filed the public records request to get the data and people were shocked when the information was released.

Each week the numbers continued to grow and grow along with information about new programs for the illegals. The governor declared a state of emergency, but it turned out that wasn't meant to stop the illegals from coming to the state. It was to prohibit communities from enforcing local regulations to get them out of hotels in their community. (RELATED: Massachusetts State Of Emergency? More Like Self-Inflicted Wounds)

Voters got to hear the stories of illegals calling the police because they did not like room service and how a foreign murderer was one of the lovely people being housed at taxpayer expense.

Our governor put a cap on the number of illegals being able to get emergency assistance.  Once again, this was a red herring. She moved 1,200 into the HomeBase program giving them tens of thousands of dollars to rent apartments, so that another 1,200 could obtain emergency assistance/hotel housing. 

So, what's my point?

The problem of illegal immigration is the path to victory for Republicans. Even in the blue state of Massachusetts, voters have had enough. 

Expose all the problems. Who is being housed? How much is it costing the taxpayers?  What departments are going underfunded because of illegals' costs? What benefits are they getting? What businesses are being hurt? How schools are unable to handle the situation? How the children are being ripped off of classroom attention?

Every Democrat who voted for is to blame.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

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