Saturday, May 18, 2024

Keep Your Hand Away From The Muzzle


Via The Tactical Professor

A friend of mine sent this link to me today.

Instagram video of Serious Mistake followed by Negative Outcome.

In the video, the person holding the gun is trying to get the laser to come on and repeatedly muzzles his own hand, looking for the laser dot. Shortly after this frame, the gun discharges and shoots a hole in his hand, which is a definite Negative Outcome.

Sadly, the examples of dangerous gun handling that and new shooters see while watching TV and movies are horrific. In the latest debacle by the 's “expert” on the talking head TV show Face The Nation, he muzzles his own hand repeatedly.

The ‘unboxing' shows on YouTube by so-called wannabe gun ‘influencers' are universally heinous, too. And before we get to feeling all righteous and self-congratulatory, even people we in the industry would consider legitimate Subject Matter Experts muzzle their own hands regularly when doing demonstrations on YouTube.

Probably the best firearm safety device that could be produced would be an extremely sharp Fairbairn Sykes British Commando Dagger with a 3-inch long 9mm diameter tang and no handle. If any knife producer wants to use this idea, feel free, no license or royalty required.

The 9mm tang could then be inserted all the way into the muzzle of a pistol so the dagger blade would be directly in front of the muzzle. It would teach the importance of keeping one's hand away from the muzzle. In an emergency, it could also serve as a bayonet. 

Keep your hand away from the muzzle, PERIOD. It doesn't matter if you think the gun is unloaded; keep your hand away from the muzzle. Rule 1: “All guns are always loaded” is a philosophical rule, unlike Rules 2 through 4, which are operational rules. Not many people really understand this distinction.

Read in its entirety at

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