Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tucker Carlson: I Always Carry A Gun As A ‘Statement Of Autonomy’


By John Boch Shooting News Weekly

has come in for a lot of criticism in recent months, but he managed to hit the nail on the head about guns and rights at a recent event. A clip below shows Carlson saying he carries a gun “all the time.” His answer was succinct when asked if he was carrying at that moment. “Yes, always.”

So Carlson practices concealed carry on a regular basis. Bravo.

Then he continued, “I always have. Not simply for protection, but because it's a statement of autonomy. I am an adult man. I am not a slave. My job is to protect myself and my family. And that is a symbolic statement of that.”

Those are some pretty based remarks. However, carrying a gun represents much more substance than symbolism, Mr. Carlson.

Some have floated Carlson's name as a potential Trump Vice-President. The man has rhetorical gifts almost up there with the late Rush Limbaugh when it comes to articulating conservative principles and positions so everyday people can understand them. Carlson certainly isn't (or isn't anymore) a part of the DC Swamp/Uniparty.

Carlson's pro-gun credentials are pretty strong. And while someone will dig up things he's has said at some point in the past to castigate him as less than clean and pure as the wind-driven snow on , anyone who carries a gun on a daily basis has more pro-gun cred that most in Washington.

From the HuffPost via Yahoo News:

Jr. said Thursday that Tucker Carlson as a potential running mate for his father, Donald Trump, “clearly would be on the table.”

“They're very friendly, they agree on virtually all of these [issues], they agree on stopping the never-ending wars,” the former president's eldest son said on Newsmax. “I would love to see that happen. That would certainly be a contender.”

Trump, the Republican front-runner who just won the Iowa caucuses handily, said in November that he would consider the fired Fox News host “because he's got great common sense.” The Times' Maggie Haberman later confirmed there was some substance to the possibility.

Carlson told right-wing comic Roseanne Barr recently that he supported Trump and was flattered by the consideration. But when asked if he'd accept if asked to be vice president on the ticket, Carlson replied, “I guess I'd have to think about that.”

Time will tell.

As someone with some connections to Trump's quasi-inner circle, I've certainly offered my recommendation for a Tucker Carlson nomination. America could use fewer professional politicians and more regular Americans with good communication skills — and respect for the — in the White House.

Find the original article in its entirety on Shooting News Weekly.

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