Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Patriot Spotlight

Congress To Investigate Alleged Biden Collusion With Antigun Lobbyists

A top congressional investigator is now looking into allegations that the Biden White House is colluding with wealthy anti-gun activists to cut off the domestic supply of firearms through...

Biden Letting Communist China Overtake US Navy To Focus On Climate Change

A key United States senator is warning Americans that Joe Biden is letting the...

Cruz Moves To Stop Biden Scheme To Outlaw Gas Cars

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on stopping...

Biden And Trump Are The Most Hated Pair Of Major Party Nominees In Polling History – Do You Agree?

The 2024 presidential may set a new record for voter apathy. Nearly 30 years of...

As Summer Approaches Biden Announces Plan To Shut Down US Power Plants

As the nation moves into summer temperatures that will see year-high electricity use, the...

Biden Family Members Referred For Criminal Prosecution As Impeachment Probe Heats Up

Two members of Joe Biden’s family, who have been at the heart of foreign influence-peddling allegations, have been referred to the Justice Department for...

Here’s How Liberal Union Bosses Are Using Your Tax Dollars To Pay A Political Army

A congressional investigation is exposing the abuses of so-called “official time,” a union practice in which officials of government employee unions are paid with...

Student Sues Public School After He Was Suspended For Saying ‘Illegal Alien’

A student who was suspended for using the phrase “illegal aliens,” which a school official compared to “the n-word,” is now taking his school...
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Congress Investigating Massive Union Boss Scheme To Use Billions In Pension Funds To Push Corporate Socialism

A congressional watchdog is demanding the nation’s top union bosses turn over documents on their efforts to use billions of dollars held in union...

Citizens Sue City Over Scheme To Pay Race Reparations

A group of Evanston, Illinois, residents are suing their city government over a $20 million scheme to give away $25,000 each to Black residents...

CIA Sued For Records On Its Effort To Interfere In Criminal Probe Of Hunter Biden

A nonprofit public interest law firm is going to federal court to force the Central Intelligence Agency to turn over records it alleges show...
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Congressional Chairman Says Fauci May Have Used Private Email To Hide COVID Research

A top congressman investigating the federal government’s role in causing the global COVID-19 pandemic is demanding Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the...

Committee Releases New Evidence, Accuses Hunter Biden Of Lying Under Oath To Congress

President Joe Biden’s troubled adult son Hunter Biden lied under oath to Congress, which is a prosecutable crime, congressional Republicans accuse in a new...

Biden Issues 14-Year Coal Mining Ban

Stepping up an all-out war on American energy production, President Joe Biden has issued a 14-year ban on coal mining across millions of acres...
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New Evidence Shows Liberal Groups Backing Hamas And Illegal Pro-Terrorist Camps At US Colleges

A cabal of liberal-supported groups is funneling cash and aid to supporters of the terrorist group Hamas and illegal pro-terrorist encampments taking root at...

Republican Introduces Bill To ‘End The Fed’

With Americans crushed by inflation caused by the federal government endlessly printing and spending money, one of the few conservative constitutionalists in Congress is...

Chinese Nationals Caught Crossing US Border And Democrat Talking Points ‘Coming Right Out Of The Chinese Communist Party’

After several Chinese nationals with ties to the Communist Chinese military have reportedly been caught illegally crossing the U.S./Mexico border, a key congressional Republican...
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Law Firm Reveals Documents Detailing DC Scheme That Lets Illegal Aliens Now Vote

The non-profit public interest law firm Judicial Watch announced they received “13 pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)...

Impeachment Filed Against Biden For Withholding Aid To Israel

House Republicans have formally filed articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for withholding congressionally-authorized military aid to Israel. Rep. Cory Mills (FL-07) formally the resolution,...
