Sunday, May 19, 2024

Biden’s Pick For Chairman Of Joint Chiefs Used Racist Hiring Practices


ANALYSIS – In the wake of the 's decision striking down at top universities as unconstitutional, the same race-based policies used to achieve ‘diversity' elsewhere are being scrutinized nationwide, including at the Pentagon.

And now we learn that 's pick to replace Army General as the next Chairman of the , himself had racist hiring practices.

That could make him ineligible to be the nation's top military officer. (RELATED: MSNBC Condemns Homeschooling as Racist Tool in Evangelical War)

Air Force General Charles Q. (CQ) Brown, a man of color, is accused of making “discriminatory comments and potential unlawful impact on military personnel,” according to the American Accountability Foundation (AFF).

The AFF was set up in early 2021 to expose the leftist backgrounds of Biden top nominees. 

Multiple sources have reported that Brown made statements while for the Air Force and during his previous tour as Pacific Air Forces commander suggesting that he hired personnel and promoted them based on race, rather than merit, to force diversity in the Air Force. (RELATED: Air Force Commander Affirms Support For ‘Demigender' People – Admits He Doesn't Know What That Is)

“Race-based hiring has no place in the military. Our men and women in uniform deserve to be led on missions by the most qualified and skilled officers and leaders our nation has, who will give them the best chance of success and getting home safely,” said the AFF in a statement.

Considering the accusations against Brown, the AAF filed a complaint with the Air Force Inspector General and requested an official investigation into Brown's allegedly discriminatory comments and practices.

As the Daily Caller (DC) reported:

While serving as the Air Force's chief of staff and before that as Pacific Air Forces commander, Brown made statements suggesting he selects individuals for certain roles and promotions based on their race to build purposefully diverse organizations, multiple sources show. Brown could be violating the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, the American Accountability Foundation (AAF) argues, making him ineligible to become the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The DC added:

If Brown has acted upon his “publicly stated beliefs on what should be official hiring policy of the [race-based hiring], it would present a significant likelihood of violating the civil and constitutional rights of military personnel” as well as Department of Defense (DOD) codes of conduct, AAF said.

And records appear to show that Brown did exactly that. Brown's diversity policies appear to have prioritized bringing on non-white officers and recruits. The Air Force Times reported that 2022, Brown changed the Air Force's demographic goals for officers to 67% of them being white, down from 80% in 2014.

But things have only gotten worse under Brown. According to a February 2023 Air Force newsletter, the Air Force also recently pledged to track officer promotions based on “race, ethnicity and gender.” (RELATED: Popular Cartoon Series Pushes Radical Gender Ideology Onto Children)

So now the discrimination Brown has implemented isn't only against white men, its against straight white men as well.

I agree with AFF's concerns, if these allegations are confirmed they should make ‘CQ Brown ineligible to serve as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And the United States Senate should not confirm him to that lofty role.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. There is no problem selecting someone for promotion based on race if you ensure that all the candidates are equal in skills and experience, and there is a good reason to seek diversity. Selecting by race alone, without taking other qualifications into account, is nothing but racist.

    • RW. Unless things have changed, the key official documents that are used to determine promotions and key Air Force assignments are yearly or twice-yearly efficiency reports. The two key factors are current job performance and potential for assuming greater responsibilities, especially leadership responsibilities.

      All who complete efficiency reports are not equal in writing skills. But overall, the system works because Air Force people change supervisors (those writing their efficiency reports) often, so it becomes obvious what persons should be promoted and/or should be given key assignments.

      I wrote many efficiency reports on Air Force officers and enlisted personnel, and it is impossible to know if candidates, at the time of the reports, are equal in skills and experience. You must be honest and use good judgement, and with experience know who should be promoted and who should be given the tough and key assignments.

      I don’t think General CQ Brown Jr. should be the next Chairman.

    • There is always a problem selecting someone on race. Merit is the only fair way to assess a candidate. No one can select their race but can definitely change their skill/knowledge sets. This DEI stuff is crap and should be sCRAPped.

    • Sorry dude. But in our ever so fragile society, no matter how you slice & dice it, selecting a candidate open to a fully open population by race is still dead wrong. There is no such thing as two people ever being ‘identically equal’ for a position. If we were to follow the concept of ‘diversity’ first, then why aren’t we seeing more Asians & Indians of India descent for many positions? It’s pretty clear, although rarely published, that these two particular groups hold higher degrees of learning than the two most largest groups (Blacks & Whites). So then why aren’t we seeing these two groups more represented?

  2. If General Charles Q. (CQ) Brown wants racial equalitry in the Air Force it should be based on racial percentages in the U.S. In that case it is 75% white, 13.6% black, 6.3% Asian and 1.3% American Indian & Alaska Native. No race should be given preferential treatment and ALL promotions should be based on performance not race.

  3. Should be an automatic NO vote. If in a fire fight and need serious help, I could care less about your skin color. I just want the best of the best protecting my butt.

  4. Brown could be violating the Fourteenth Amendment…” What the hell is wrong with any & everyone today with this ‘Could be’ crap? Lately even the ‘conservative’ media posts & ‘our’ representatives continue to use that dumb as crap opening line. As anyone sane & open minded researching past records, practices and even ‘confessions’ (as liberals would put it,bragging rights) they would know in an instant that the person ‘IS’ guilty of whatever charges are to follow. This new ‘media speak’ catch phrase is nothing short of ‘Here’s the facts people, but don’t look for any justifiable punitive actions of worth to follow.’ BTW, the other catch phrase of ‘get ready to hear the bad news that won’t amount to any punishment’ is in a form of a question. Ever hear the saying ‘There are no stupid questions’? It’s wrong because our media and officials are now doing this as well in more frequency. Example “IS Dr. Fauchi guilty of violating the law by erasing subpoenaed emails?” DUHH!! It’s called obstruction of justice (or ‘Tampering of evidence’ -destroying,altering or hiding evidence) Maybe this is the way those in charge are telling us ‘welcome to obama’s new America. Don’t expect equal justice’.

  5. I’m old enough to remember the dream was that each person to be hired, evaluated, judged, promoted according to accolpoishments, knowledge, content of character. Thst the color of a person’s skin should have no more importance than the color of a petson’s hair.

  6. This affirmative action deeply selected RACIST Brown is a nasty example of why affirmative action is a dangerous practice that destroys achievement and performance standards and instead relies only upon minority quotas.

  7. Little has changed, only things have gone ‘more so.’ In the Army 40 years ago the racism was already rampant and stank to high Heaven.

  8. Biden is following in the footsteps of his mentor (and master?) B.H. Obama, who chose Bobby Mueller to head the FBI AFTER he learned of Mueller’s involvement in multiple scandals (including framing four men for a murder he knew they did not commit.

    Pick crooked people, because if they were crooked once before, you can count on them tio be crooked for you.

  9. Democrats are fixated on race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. The defense of our Nation hinges upon NONE of these.

  10. The planned destruction of America’s military forces is well underway. EEO selection and promotions practices guarantees it. Besides indoctrination of cadets at military academies career military officers are now required to report for further indoctrination at various university campuses. Officers who are Normals are rapidly being retired and phased out.

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