Tuesday, May 14, 2024

John Kerry Calls For Elimination Of Entire US Industry


Fire !

Being from , I know a lot about hacks. Our state government is full of people with fancy job titles who make a good living off of the taxpayers while contributing nothing to the well-being of our state. For example, our new Democrat governor appointed a “ czar” despite the state already employing a Secretary of Environmental Affairs.

It also happens at the federal level. Failed presidential candidate John Kerry was appointed by President to be the United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Kerry is the first one to hold this title that allows him to travel on private jets to United Nations' climate summits.

Last week, Kerry called for the abolishment of coal fired plants, because he wanted to see his name in the lights. His statement was not based on facts or strategic thinking. It was all about grabbing headlines. That's why West Virginia congressional candidate is calling for the firing of John Kerry and the abolishment of the hack position.

“John Kerry just took a private jet to the United Nations COP28 conference in Dubai to suggest that our country should eliminate coal-fired power plants. This is not a well thought out plan. Strategically, it would harm our nation while not reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Clearly, Kerry is more interested in making headlines than sound policy. One headline I want to see is Kerry fired,” said Earley.

“Countries such as China will continue to build coal-fired plants to supply the energy that nation needs. Kerry would put the USA at an energy disadvantage and decimate the state of West Virginia. It is no wonder why he lost his attempts to become president. As it stands today, he should be booted out of his job in the Executive Branch and sent back to Massachusetts where he can depend on windmills to keep him warm,” said Earley.

“Kerry's approach blindly ignores all the major advances in clean coal and how coal is important to our nation. He would only make us further dependent on foreign countries for energy,” said Earley.

Earley is right. Members of should join him in calling for the abolishment of Kerry from the executive office.

Twenty percent of our nation's energy is dependent on coal. If Kerry got his way, it would make the United States even more dependent on foreign countries for fuel at a time when we should be striving for energy independence. But, politicians like Kerry don't care how much we pay at the pump or for utilities.

We need more leaders like Joe Earley and less John Kerry type leaders.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.

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