McCarthy Tells GOP Opponents To ‘File The F—ing Motion’ To Remove Him

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – Some of the Republican Party's more ‘firebrand' conservatives are trying to bully and threaten House Speaker . Many in the media have tried to paint the battle in ways that discredit the GOP.

I support vibrant debate within our party, but constantly undermining the leadership when the GOP has a slim majority is getting old. And McCarthy is clearly getting sick of it, too.

Florida Republican Rep. bashed McCarthy on Tuesday, giving him a list of demands while threatening a motion for McCarthy to vacate the chair, essentially to remove him as speaker.

This came just after McCarthy announced the Republican Party will move forward with an into Biden. However, Gaetz said that is not enough. (RELATED: Gaetz Unmoved By McCarthy's Flip-Flop On Impeachment)

The Daily Caller reported:

“Now moments ago, Speaker McCarthy endorsed an impeachment inquiry. This is a baby step following weeks of pressure from House conservatives to do more. We must move faster. Now I will concede that the votes I have called for will likely fail. Term limits, balanced budgets, maybe even impeachment. I am prepared for that eventuality because at least if we take votes the American people get to see who's fighting for them and who's willing to tolerate more corruption and business as usual,” he said.

This all sounds good, but Gaetz seems to admit that it's all more show than substance. The votes aren't here. The GOP barely controls the House, and Gaetz is just posturing like he usually does. (RELATED: Matt Gaetz Says He'll Resign From Congress If Republicans And Dems Elect Consensus Speaker Candidate)

So, McCarthy did something I highly respect. He told Gaetz and his allies: “If you want to file the motion,” adding: “File the f*cking motion.”

Enough with the petty posturing, Gaetz. Work with the leadership to get real things done and hopefully gain seats in 2024 to get more done.

The House GOP was expected to vote on the impeachment inquiry, but McCarthy did not mention a vote to move forward with the inquiry. This follows the precedent set by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the first Trump impeachment in 2019.

The Daily Caller noted that:

The speaker said he now believes there is enough evidence stemming from the House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight Committee to move forward with an impeachment inquiry into the president.

McCarthy said in July that an impeachment inquiry would help Republicans better access documents detailing alleged misconduct from government officials benefiting Hunter Biden. Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik has endorsed McCarthy's' position, which Democrats adopted in 2019 during former President 's first impeachment.

Asked Tuesday whether he was being hypocritical, McCarthy referred back to Pelosi: “I'm not, because she changed the precedent,” reported The Hill.

“I warned her not to do it that way in the process. And that's what she did; that's what we did,” McCarthy said.

As The Hill further noted:

Moving forward on an inquiry without a vote allows swift action on a priority for conservatives who have been pressuring the House Speaker. McCarthy's decision also protects moderates — particularly those who represent districts President Biden won in 2020 — from having to take a tough vote.

What McCarthy is doing is real and will be able to succeed. Let him get on with it, or “file the f*cking motion.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    What a joke the GOP has turned into, they can’t even convince anyone with a descent bluff. They should really try something that is in their possibility to do as impeachment sure isn’t one of them. It was known Obama wasn’t a U.S. citizen and what did they do, as usual nothing. So here comes more nothing from our great GOP. As far as planning on winning more seats there is no way since they insist on making abortion a major issue that has nothing to do with national elections since the court has already decided it is a state issue. The GOP though being good at only one thing today will once again shoot themselves in the foot.


      McCarthy is following precedent – he’s trying to get the votes by doing so. He has now said impeachment is the next step & they have the evidence. Gaetz is the joke acting like a punk in Jr High trying to make points. He needs to quietly talk with the Speaker & others to coordinate a plan and move forward to gain the confidence of the public.


    McCarthy needs to be replaced as the Speaker of the House. He has always been a closeted liberal leftwing socialist Communist-loving RINO. His language makes conscientious conservative peopke look like street thugs. He needs to resign or be voted down Speaker by the House. We teach children not to use profanity but we have


      Wrong – so wrong – he’s following precedent so not to be questioned when they proceed. He’s said he’s ready now to go forward. Gaetz is like a spoiled brat needing attention which makes voters uncertain and unhappy. He needs to sit down, shut up and listen.

    Joel Mason

    Crespo’s bias is obvious, it is not “bullying” it is holding him to the agreement that was made by him to get his job in the first place. He needs to follow through with the agreement or be removed. Why would he withhold the J6 tapes? Why can’t he even bring things up for a vote? Put up McCarthy or get out of the way. Last time we had control of the House we did nothing. When will we learn not to allow this to happen over and over again?


      McCarthy, a lot of talk and no action! Get moving and get something done or get out of the way. You CAN be REMOVED instantly so is that the way you want to go OUT?


    McCarthy isn’t perfect but he does know how to follow procedure and not break laws ! This was the precedent – investigate first then impeach ! So that’s what he’s done and the snot-nosed kit Gaetz needs to grow up and stop tearing the party apart. We’re luck Romney will be gone so we need Unity and votes to increase the majority in the House & Senate to get the impeachment done.


    It’s about time McCarthy showed some backbone in dealing with the so-called “freedom caucus”!

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