ANALYSIS – President Joe Biden's horribly staged, dark, anti-MAGA speech, bathed in blood red lighting, was poorly received not just by most Republicans but even by many in the establishment media. (RELATED: Marines at Biden's Anti-MAGA Speech Politicize Military)
Most broadcast TV refused to air the prime-time Biden speech in Philadelphia, deeming it more political than newsworthy.
As the Daily Caller reports:
The president gave the speech Thursday in front of Independence Hall, where he said “MAGA Republicans” pose a threat to democracy, have no respect for the rule of law, and “fan the flames of political violence.” He called on Democrats, Independents and “mainstream Republicans” to come together in an effort to defend democracy.
The remarks came after the president compared “MAGA Republicans'” philosophy to “semi-fascism” during an Aug. 25 Democratic fundraiser in Maryland.
To Joe and the Democrats, ‘mainstream Republicans' appear to be the tiny minority of Never Trumpers such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, now aligned with the DNC. (RELATED: Illinois Democrats Appear to Have Ended Adam Kinzinger's Career)
And now, after a few days to process Biden's Thursday political tirade, much of the American people seem to be agreeing on one thing – the speech was a dangerous escalation in the country's political rhetoric.
In the Trafalgar Group poll, over half of Americans, 56.8%, said the speech was dangerous rhetoric and was “designed to incite conflict amongst Americans.”
Nearly all Republicans, 89.1%, believed the speech to be a “dangerous escalation,” while 62.4% of independents found the speech to be dangerous rhetoric.
Even among Democrats, 18.7% said Biden's rhetoric was designed to incite conflict, not unite the country.
See the full report of the poll here.
Despite the widespread criticism and even Biden's own backpedaling, Team Biden doubled down on Friday with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre shamelessly claiming that Biden's ugly and hyper-partisan attacks on ‘semi-fascist MAGA Republicans' are “not political” but rather are presidential.
On Friday, reported the New York Post, Biden tried to walk back some of his dangerous political rhetoric from his prime-time speech a night earlier, denying that he attacked 75 million Trump voters despite having repeatedly slammed “MAGA Republicans” who support the former president.
“Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to this country?” a reporter asked Biden.
“Come on, look, guys, you keep trying to make that case. I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country,” Biden said.
So, which is it, Joe? Are 75 million Trump voters dangerous extremists who threaten American democracy, as you have repeatedly implied, or not?
In the months leading up to midterm elections, expect more dangerously divisive rhetoric and occasional walk backs from our perennially befuddled POTUS. ALN
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.
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Biden sea wall begins with corruption cracks biden ends his entire career after STUPIDLY admits ‘Jill is in charge’ in WH…Pelosi can’t clean mess.
Jill in charge ! Who the F*** elected her !???
How can Pelosi clean the mess Biden did when she is in a mess herself with her husband’s investments and millions of free money from the PPP?
Nancy another vile satanic beast like dunce Biden that deserves eternity in hell.
you do not do a mess, you MAKE a mess 1
The Mara Lago raid & his MD PA speeches cemented our side
What in God’s name has happened to America? Better question is, What drugs are being given to Biden to make him appear cognitive enough make hate filled speech’s against “ WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE “?
Yes, drugs can alter your mindset and your self control of what is decent to say, .or what not to say. Maybe he is just spitting out what is really in his mind?
They probably stripped Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg’s skin off of the robot and skinned Biden’s corpse and glued it to the reprogrammed robot.
[What in God’s name has happened to America?]
The real threat against the United States is that of Satan, the god/prince of this world, who is responsible for all sin.
All governments of the Earth have been corrupted by man’s love for sin. All governments are doomed to fail in time.
Joe Biden and several others have talked of the darkest of days ahead for the possibility of another Civil War for our nation because of our political differences…
I ask, can there be any days darker than those in the last 50 years in which this government and people who have slaughtered 70 million of the most innocent of all life in the womb of their mothers…?
I believe the Rabbi Jonathan Cahn said it best in his book, “The Return of the Gods,” Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote, Molech was associated with the darkest of sins- the sacrifice of human beings and, in particular, the sacrifice of children. Evan darker, Molech is associated with the sacrifice of children by their parents. The Bible speaks of the act as the most grievous of “Abominations” as well as the sign of a nation that has turned entirely against the ways of God and become lost to Him.
God has a set time for all things in His overall plans for man Salvation, and I believe we are about to God’s judgment on the United States for her destruction followed with entering in the darkest days ever of man’s history, the seven-years in the tribulation period.
Biden’s Thursday night “speech” was reminiscent of one of Hitler’s – including the red back drop and the military figures standing guard. Way too ominous.
Scary, to what the real message being portrayed is? What happened to our news analysts not saying anything about it? Oh, I forgot they are all for Biden and the Demoncrats.
Afraid of pathetic dunce turd that is doomed to burn in hell forever? Read Psalm 58:10.
Absolutely! Potential dictators display a view that THEY alone know what’s good for everyone, and so everyone should NOT have a say in government or the laws governing a people. So potential disctators want to cancel and not even hear what opponents have to say: they don’t want democracy, they want AUTOCRACY! And “socialism”, with its attraction (but lie) to equality for all (everyone gets the same pay, health care, etc.), is the gateway to autocracy, dictatorship (one ruler and/or one ruling “party”). To get there, the ruling party has to demonize democracy (while calling their autocracy a true “democratic” model) and state that anyone opposing is evil, against truth and good, etc. It’s an age old maneuver you can trace down through history – over and over. And “free” money is the bait – everyone gets free college, free health care, free…everything! Sounds really wonderful! But it’s an old, old gimmick every dictator and autocractic government has used to sway and fool people into surrendering their freedoms. And America with the present governement and the hungry wolves behind it are craving to bring about. Why is it that those who have come to America from such countries with such governments, want to politically lead America into the same thing they fled from!? That I don’t get, and I don’t get why Americans who have enjoyed the freedoms we have, in the freest country on earth (that yes, still needs work), want to sell out to socialism, autocracy and eventually dictatorship!? But so it goes in history, and sadly, it looks like America may go the same way. Very sad. Those who know America is special and love the freedoms we’ve enjoyed – if we don’t speak up and take action, we WILL watch it fade away as just a “Great Experiment” that failed.
Yeah, I wondered if anyone else thought that this fool is the real threat to the future of America, not a bunch of God fearing, America loving, Constitution respecting MAGA folks!
Unfortunately for us, our real enemy is the biased and corrupt mainstream media and the lazy people who eats up their lies and deceptions. it is true, “one who controls the narrative, controls the people.” Wake up Americans, before it is too late for us all. Research and pray for wisdom to do God’s will and not your own flawed will.
“The United States Constitutional Republic was destined to fall from its inception. This is borne out in the following two passages:
‘And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.’ (Matthew 7:26-27)
‘[E]very kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.; (Matthew 12:25)
“The house known as the Constitutional Republic was not built upon the rock of Yahweh’s1 word, but instead upon Enlightenment and Masonic concepts.2 It began and continues as a divided house….
“The day is therefore approaching when the Republic’s cup of iniquity will be full3 and Yahweh’s longsuffering is exhausted. At that time, the Republic will be subjected to His judgment. Like all nations before her built on sand, she will cease to exist. The question that remains is whether that generation’s Christians will be prepared to build upon her ruins. If not, another ungodly nation will fill the void until finally a future generation of our posterity are prepared to erect a government and society upon Yahweh’s righteousness as expressed in His triune moral law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments).4
“It is therefore incumbent upon this and all intervening generations of Christians to do everything in their power to help prepare for that future generation of Christians to do it right(eous) the next time….”
For more see free online book “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and and received a free copy of a book that *examines* the Constitution by the Bible.
Biden’s speech was not befitting of a President to do. It was horrible, like he only want Americans who voted for him or are not in the MAGA movement, instead of embracing everyone as citizens of this country. His speech will alienate more people, like Hillary’s insults. That was an evil speech.
You do know that the speech he gave was drafted by his behind the scenes handlers, don’t you? He is so senile that he couldn’t put two words together without help. Those handlers want this country further divided so they can eliminate our constitutional republic government and install their version of socialism. We are tearing ourselves apart and the destruction will make our United States of America cease to exist.
Enjoy the flames dunce Biden. Eternity in hell for your pathetic waste of soul. Jesus hates your ever loving guts you loser!
He continues to prove he is THE worst president…ever. I try to bite my tongue, because he IS our president; but then, the Left wasn’t too good at biting their tongues when Trump was president. Amazing how the “rules” don’t apply to the one you favor. Nonetheless, I have absolutely no agreement with our present President, and only hope we can regain enough Republican representation in Congress to prevent him for further ruining America over the next two years. God help us.
One thing we need to be really, really mindful of – is that this president was elected by the People – and a majority of them. THAT is scarier than the president that was elected. It only means there’s a large number of Americans who don’t understand the dangers of socialism, increasing immorality, and freedom with healthy boundaires. That is what will take America down: the politicians represent those who elect them.
Who are the 81.3% who found that unifying? Please raise your hand! You are not allowed to handle any confidential information, nor make any decisions of consequence – you have ruled yourself out.
Joe’s mind is such a sieve that he forgets what he has said from day to day. One day he says one thing & the next day, he totally contradicts himself & doesn’t even know it. God help our country!
It hurts to see an old fossil thundering wrath at the opposition like a rabid dictator. That speech was channeling old Hitler straight from Hell. What hurts still worse is to see proud US Marines standing at attention in the rear flank like the Waffen SS…or like Caesar Bidenus’ Praetorian Guard.