ANALYSIS – It was beyond being an insulting spectacle. It was a dangerous deception. Hopefully, the poor, ignorant rubes that the Democrats are targeting will see through the deceptive charade, but it is unlikely.
America just witnessed the most bizarre political convention in history.
And for anyone with any sense, it was a sickening display of absolute shameless bulls**t.
The entire Democrat National Convention clown show was a contrived facsimile of a real convention. And so is its make-believe presidential nominee and her running mate.
Note that there were no primaries for the newly ordained candidate and an entirely fictional Kamala Harris was created from scratch just for the show.
And add to that faux patriotism absent from most recent Democrat conventions or events of any type, and you have a surreal media spectacle divorced from all reality.
As Miranda Devine noted in the New York Post: “A funny thing happened at the Democratic National Convention last week: Not only has Kamala Harris stolen Donald Trump's no-tax-on-tips policy, but her party shape-shifted into MAGA Republicans in front of our eyes.”
“Where once they slandered the American flag as racist and sometimes set it on fire, here were Democrats drowning in a sea of Stars and Stripes as Harris took the stage Thursday night,” she added.
And even left-wing observers such as John Stewart saw the absurdity of the fakery and hypocrisy of the Democrat show.
Devine continues:
Conventiongoers wore camo hats and the entertainment included a country singer from rural Alabama and a sheriff in uniform.
Between the “USA! USA!” chants, Harris' exhortations to God and country, and Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz's schmaltzy shtick as a Midwestern conservative, you could be forgiven for thinking you were at a Trump rally.
That's exactly what Harris' gimlet-eyed brain trust of former Obama-ites wants you to think.
By transforming Komrade Kamala into an ideological moderate, a tough-on-crime prosecutor and national security hawk, they are making a naked bid for swing voters, independents and the 500,000 Republicans who voted for Anyone But Trump in the GOP primaries on Super Tuesday.
And sadly, too many of those folks suffering from Trump derangement syndrome just want to be persuaded that this radical leftist duo isn't so bad, and at least it's better than the former president.
But the Democrat ticket isn't just bad, it is the worst in modern history.
When it comes to national security, Harris owns all of Joe Biden's failures, from aiding and enabling Iran, slow rolling arms to Ukraine, and most consequentially, the disastrous and deadly U.S. retreat from Afghanistan.
And despite Democrat's shameless spin claiming that black is white, and Biden-Harris made the border better, the truth is that the border is in shambles. And they allowed over ten million unvetted illegal foreigners into our country, many of whom are behind a crime wave in many U.S. cities.
And then there is the one new policy Harris has announced to combat the rampant inflation that she and Biden fueled – socialist Soviet-style price controls. And other left-wing Democrats are sounding the alarm about that too.
Economist Jason Furman who served in the Obama administration told The Washington Post, this Harris lunacy could mean “bigger shortages, less supply and ultimately risk higher prices and worse outcomes for consumers” if enforced in a real way.
To provide a reality check on the real Kamala Harris, Donald Trump unleashed on Harris, posting on X: “If you think things are expensive now, they will get 100 times WORSE if Kamala gets four years as President.”
Trump added:
Under her plan, Kamala will implement SOVIET Style Price Controls. She will abolish private health care and make California's ridiculous tax policies the law of the land, meaning EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income! If you want more CASH and less TAX, VOTE TRUMP!!!
As always, as Democrats' blow smoke and spin absurd fantasies, Trump keeps it real.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.
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Democrats know their voters. Ignorant and dedicated to Marxist policy. Or is that redundant?
No one will ever argue that the Democrats have the BEST ACTORS IN POLITICS. That’s why Hollywood has been “in bed” with them for so long. It’s a mutual adoration they have for each other and how well they perform in public.
Where’s the BEEF, Harris?
Oh yeah, no beef you want us to eat bugs and live in darkness. People are simply stupid. In NJ right now, at Atlantic City. Cabbie tells us how bad Trump was for AC.
“You know he had 4 buildings here, right? He went bankrupt”
Me: Well, first, he bought someone else’s failures and tried to re-vialize them. That’s what most investors do. And businesses come and go all the time. And for “inflating value”? No bank will lend money if it is a high risk. THEY determine their risk management controls, look at the big picture of cross-collateralition. Finally, good business people try more than one time. It took Edison 100 tries to invent the light bulb. LOL and finally, Mr. Cabbie, people in business risk THEIR livelihoods too. I’ve owned several businesses. Some worked, some didn’t, one was the most fun I ever had going brook. Because WE are driven to lead, try, fail and try try again.”
People forget that JOHN KERRY was in the business of breaking up businesses, slicing and dicing assets to make money. Not to try to revialize or salvage. NOT very good for businesses – any size.
Harris is an OBAMA pawn, the BINGO – woman (whatever that means) and of some light skinned “color: All she needs is a limp and she’d be a DOUBLE BINGO
Biden was cheated to win, again, another OBAMA pawn that Barry Sotoro (remember him, Obama’s REAL NAME?) let run b/c Barry had all the dirt on the Biden crime family.
We need common sense and TWO TERM LIMITS on all elected politicians and non-elected, “appointed” “officials”
Dollar is about to crash. We are on the brink of war with SEVERAL countries and we don’t have enough of our OWN military to even defend the USA. AMERICANS ARE PRETTY STUPID TO HAVE LET IT GET THIS FAR
The sham convention was a Coronation party for America’s born and raised Communist.
The “NEW KAMALA ADS” She says – focus on the future NOT on the PAST . ha ha