Joe Biden Linked To Chinese Influence Operation – McCarthy Demands File From FBI

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – Despite the tons of dirt swirling around and the rest of the Biden family, has managed to remain mostly unsullied. This is of course greatly due to the media ignoring, deflecting or actively covering up any links to the family's shady deals. (RELATED: Senators Move To Block Vast Censorship Apparatus)

But things are heating up as , the president's brother appears to have been acting as the ‘cut out' between Hunter and his father. And now there is evidence of that.

Where? On Hunter's laptop.

Meanwhile, House Speaker is threatening to hold Director in if the bureau does not produce a document alleging potential wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

Possibly the most important email of the 154,000 on Hunter's abandoned laptop is the infamous ‘big guy' email, suggesting that the president may have been involved in, and set to profit from, an alleged Chinese influence operation.

But so far it has been difficult to identify Joe as the ‘big guy' – though no one else even remotely fits the bill. And it's been equally hard to connect Hunter directly to his dad on all his shady deals with China, Russia and others. (RELATED: ‘Highly Credible' FBI Whistleblower Says Biden Accepted Foreign Bribes)

Enter Jim Biden.

New information shows that Jim texted Hunter on the secure messaging app WhatsApp two weeks after the 2018 New York Times story exposed Hunter's connections to a corrupt China-linked oil firm CEFC.

The message directly connects Joe Biden to Jim and Hunter's Chinese business plans. “This can work, you need a safe harbor,” Jim wrote. “I can work with you father alone !!”

Jim had been desperately trying to get hold of Hunter to discuss their ‘deals' in the days after the Times story about their relationship with the Chinese.

Jim Biden has been repeatedly criticized for marketing his access to his brother in pitches to clients.

According to Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee, during Joe Biden's vice presidency, members of his family formed a series of limited liability committees to conduct business with foreign nationals. Some of these figures had close ties to foreign intelligence or regimes, such as China and Russia.

This labyrinth of corporations and accounts were designed to covertly transfer millions of dollars from these deals to various Biden family members, including grandchildren.

Those companies received more than $10 million in payments.

A partner in Hunter and Jim's $10 million deal with CEFC, Tony Bobulinski, has claimed that Joe was part of it, and that an email on Hunter's laptop describing “10% held by H for the Big Guy” referred to Joe's share.

This new evidence needs to be added to the voicemail uncovered last June from Joe to his son recorded the night the Times story was published, telling Hunter he read the piece and saying “I think you're clear.”

That message seems to show that Joe was lying when he repeatedly claimed he never discussed Hunter's overseas business with his son.

In their WhatsApp messages, Jim recommended Hunter take a 90-day skiing retreat in Colorado, saying: “You will be untouchable!”

“By that time, we will have made it with all of these deals or not. I think we will.”

All this comes as the FBI keeps dragging its feet in providing potentially incriminating files on the Bidens to Congress.

The Daily Caller reported:

The House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee, led by chairman of Kentucky, has repeatedly requested that the FBI produce an FD-1023, which details an interview with a source. The source reportedly told FBI officials that Biden was involved in a $5 million bribery scheme when he was vice president. Comer set a May 30 deadline for the FBI to produce the document.

“We've asked the FBI to not only provide this record, but to also inform us what it did to investigate these allegations. The FBI has failed to do both.

And Speaker McCarthy is getting a bit fed up.

Tuesday on Fox, McCarthy said:

Let me tell Director Christopher Wray, right here, right now, if he misses the deadline today, I am prepared to move contempt charges in Congress against him. We have jurisdiction over this… He can send us the document, we have a right to look at that, Republicans and Democrats alike in that committee, and if he does not follow through with the law, we will move contempt charges against Christopher Wray and the FBI. They are not above the law.

May 30 has arrived. Let's see what the FBI does and whether McCarty holds Wray in contempt. (RELATED: Investigators Warn FBI Director He Faces Contempt Of Congress Charge For Hiding Biden Bribery Memo)

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: House Conservatives Open To Filing A Motion To Remove McCarthy As Speaker: Report

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Silence can speak a thousand words... Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.)


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    Those who are outraged over the apparent corruption of the Biden Syndicate should consider the party that nominated, supported and promoted Brandon, likewise steered the election to get him into office.


      Yeah. And unfortunately, those outraged folks will undoubtedly elect (or install) a whole new Demoncrap, and expect different results.
      Total imbeciles, the lot of them!


    I won’t hold my breath until the Bidens and Wray, as well as Mayorkas are seated in jails somewhere…..well make that ALL demonrats.

      Q Wricken

      HA! The Dems are now working to paint the RNC and many related groups as elements of terrorism. Just google “pyramid of terrorism” and look at the graphics that come up. At some point all the SWAT teams in the nation will be mobilized to go after all these “terror hate groups,” shut them down and arrest all of their members. When the Dems regain control of the House there will be a new HUAC asking “Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Republican Party?”

    Q Wricken

    Sounds to me like Hunter’s drug addicition and other reckless behavior may have been caused or at least contributed to by his being exposed to inordinate stress and pressure as a result of his father’s unrelenting thirst for money through corrupt deals while insulating himself (Joe) from any hint of complicity. So it all fell on Hunter. Yes, a corrupt family led by a corrupt pol but also a very dysfunctional and sick family caused by the corrupt pol’s behavior.


    What do you mean it’s been difficlt to link Joe Biden as the “Big Guy”? Tony Bobulinski, a partner of Hunter’s and a former Navy officer, explained how he met with Jim and Joe and discussed the business. He said Joe was the “Big Guy,” and was also called the “chairman”.of the family business.

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