A massive police operation took place in Davao City, Philippines, targeting a religious compound linked to Apollo Quiboloy, a far-right televangelist accused of child abuse and human trafficking. The raid involved hundreds of police officers, including heavily armed SWAT teams using advanced military-grade equipment capable of penetrating cement walls. The operation was so extensive that a lane of the national highway was closed to accommodate law enforcement vehicles.
The compound, belonging to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC), a group often labeled as a cult by critics, spans 75 acres and includes a taxiway to Davao International Airport. KOJC claims to have six million members worldwide. Saturday's raid, which was livestreamed by a religious television network owned by the group, led to the death of one of Quiboloy's supporters due to a heart attack, though police have stated that the death was not a result of the operation.
The Western Journal further reports:
Quiboloy and his lawyer have denied the criminal allegations against him and his religious group, saying these were fabricated by critics and former members, who were removed from the religious group after committing irregularities.
Quiboloy's followers, many filming the police raid with their cellphones, yelled at the police, questioning the legality of the raid and pronouncing the innocence of Quiboloy, who was a close supporter and spiritual adviser of former President Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte had criticized previous attempts by large numbers of police to arrest Quiboloy as overkill.
Quiboloy claims to be the appointed son of God. In 2019, he claimed he stopped a major earthquake from hitting the southern Philippines.
Despite the extensive search, Quiboloy, who is referred to by his followers as the “Appointed Son of God,” was not found in the compound. Quiboloy had previously been indicted in the United States by the FBI on charges related to his alleged criminal activities.
The international effort to apprehend Quiboloy and bring him to justice continues.
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