Wednesday, May 8, 2024

LASD Gang Charges Underscore Threat Of Enforcers Being ‘Only Ones’ With Guns


“After dozens of interviews and seven public hearings, the Civilian Oversight Commission's special counsel has released a 70-page report condemning the ‘cancer' of violent deputy gangs and urging Los Angeles County Sheriff to create a policy officially banning the secretive groups,” The Los Angeles Times reported March 2. “'They create rituals that valorize violence, such as recording all deputy-involved shootings in an official book, celebrating with “shooting parties,” and authorizing deputies who have shot a community member to add embellishments to their common gang tattoos,' the special counsel team wrote this week.”

Because The Times article is behind a paywall making it inaccessible to many readers here, much of the same information as well as a link to the source story is included in an MSN account. That analysis also points to a lack of attention by District Attorney and Attorney General , presumably because testimony from corrupt cops endangers prosecutions. It also spreads the blame for allowing intolerable criminal corruption, citing willful complicity by the County Board of Supervisors and the Inspector General.

The report itself seems damning:

“The Department currently contains several active groups that have been, and still are, engaged in harmful, dangerous, and often illegal, behavior. Some of these groups have engaged in acts of violence, threatened acts of violence, placed fellow Deputies at risk of physical harm, engaged in acts celebrating officer involved shootings, and created a climate of physical fear and professional retribution to those who would speak publicly about the misconduct of such groups.”

“There is at least a half dozen, and possibly more, Deputy Gangs and Deputy Cliques currently in the Department, primarily at patrol stations,” the report elaborates. “They include the Executioners, the Banditos, the Regulators, the Spartans, the Gladiators, the Cowboys and the Reapers.”

Instead of prioritizing that and looking at similar concerns within the Los Angeles Police Department, Mayor , a Democrat politician with documented communist ties, has, per a Feb. 26 Fox News report, “called to remove ‘obstacles' for new police recruits and pledged to root out officers with ties to ‘right-wing domestic extremist organizations.'”

Besides, it's not like has a history of violent criminal corruption. And the last thing such an environment needs is officers who might take their oath to the Constitution seriously.

For his part, Sheriff Robert Luna is trying to distract from all the focus on what's happening on his watch and get people back to a topic all of L.A.'s political establishment can agree on: Blaming guns for their policy failures.

It worked to get him elected in the first place.

“Hey, #LosAngeles, there's only 1 @MomsDemand #GunSenseCandidate running for sheriff & that's @lunaforsheriff !” a tweet from a gushing supporter who evidently believes gang-affiliated deputies are the “only ones” who can be trusted with guns. “Time to elect a sheriff who will work for Angelinos, not just himself. Time to elect Chief Luna for LA Sheriff! #MomsAreEverywhere #EndGunViolence #GunSense”

Sheriff Luna knows he can count on “gunsenselessness” to allow him to mouth meaningless platitudes that won't solve a thing but still earn him the full-throated approval of the fanatical and the willfully ignorant, who curiously for people who say they're all about “gun violence,” don't appear to have much to say about armed “gangsta” deputies.

“California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country but yet, look at what we just had today,” Luna declared following the Monterey Park killings. “Let's look across this nation and see what works and what doesn't. I can tell you this, the status quo is not working.”

Neither are those “strictest gun laws in the country,” that is, “the status quo” in Democrat-controlled urban enclaves. And neither, obviously, is enforcing citizen disarmament laws that only affect the “law-abiding” and leave them at the mercy of criminals both in and out of uniform.

Read the original article in its entirety at Ammoland.

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  1. Oh now now now, the citizens are only there for the fleecing by government and the criminals! They have no expectations or the right to self defense! The citizens just need to keep their noses to the gridinwheel and hope they don’t get there butts shot off by the government or criminals!

  2. When guns are banned, only CRIMINALS and GOVERNMENTS will have guns!
    As HISTORY PROVES time and time again!
    What we don’t want are more Stalins, Lenins, Hitlers, Il Duces, Castros, Maos, and Pol Pots, with their concentration camps, death camps, gulags, genocide, Gestapos, KGBs, and the rest of the apparatus of state terror.
    –> Fear Those Who Fear Guns in The Hands of Free and Honest Men. <–

  3. What are the laws they are breaking? “Adding embellishments” to their gang tattoos for shooting a “community member”, recording shootings in a book, having a group rally after a shooting, etc., may border on the tasteless, but they are not illegal. These deputies are looking to themselves to keep their morale up since they are not getting support from their communities or guys like this article’s LEO-hating author.

    This author’s naïveté would be shattered were he to learn that many soldiers and airmen celebrate their battle successes in war, too.

  4. What are the laws they are breaking? “Adding embellishments” to their gang tattoos for shooting a “community member”, recording shootings in a book, having a group rally after a shooting, etc., may border on the tasteless, but they are not illegal. These deputies are looking to themselves to keep their morale up since they are not getting support from their communities or guys like this article’s LEO-hating author.

    This author’s naïveté would be shattered were he to learn that many soldiers and airmen celebrate their battle successes in war, too.

  5. No wonder residents by the hundreds or even thousands are leaving the wilds of darkest Kaliforniastan.

  6. The sheriff and deputies of LA ought to just let the gangs run rampant all over the city and when karen (aptly named I would think)bass sees her so-called city totally destroyed like what has happened in portland and seattle and starts whining, the department should tell her – you caused the problem – we can fix it but it is gonna cost you dearly!

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