Senator Encourages Americans To ‘Take Matters Into Their Own Hands’ In Response To Protests

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

ANALYSIS – As I wrote about the other day, these pro-Hamas, anti-Jewish Hamas sympathizers are ramping up their protests to include blocking major thoroughfares, bridges (Golden Gate in San Francisco) and airports (Chicago O'Hare) in cities across the country.

They are also crashing dinners in private homes to spout their propaganda (UC Berkeley Law School).

Unlawful protests have also taken place in PhiladelphiaConnecticutTampaSan Antonio and other locations around the country. (RELATED: Anti-Israel Protests Gain Momentum, Spread To Golden Gate Bridge And Other Locations)

All of this is criminal and goes well beyond lawful protest. Many Americans are getting fed up. And Republican Senator  of Arkansas, is one of them.

He is suggesting regular Americans take the initiative in moving these punks out of their way. Some call that vigilantism. Others call it being Americans.

When asked for his thoughts on Cotton replied:

Well, I feel very deeply for all those people who are trying to get to work or trying to pick up a kid. Very worried about the diversion of police resources where it needs to be stopping and cities like San Francisco, where firefighters are having to go there when they might have calls for fires out.

Cotton added:

I have to say, Sandra, I agree with you that you have to get to these are these, criminals early? If something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there. Let's just say I think there'd be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard, not by , but by the people whose, road they're blocking. If they glued their hands to a car or the pavement. Well, probably pretty painful to have their skin ripped off, but I think that's the way we'd handle it in Arkansas. And I would encourage most people anywhere that get stuck behind criminals like this, who are trying to block traffic to take matters in their own hands. There's only usually a few of them, and there's a lot of people being inconvenienced. It's time to put an end to this nonsense.

But even when police do show up, they are often hampered by the news media, and by politics. This often results in law enforcement treating these saboteurs with kid gloves. Or doing nothing at all for a long while.

The senator continued:

I sympathize with law enforcement having to deal with this, but I think it's time for private citizens who are the ones being inconvenienced here when they're confronted with these protesters just to solve matters of their own before the police even show up.

Because this is all about politics. Conservative rioters get persecuted and jailed en masse. Leftist protesters are given a pass, at least on the federal level. (RELATED: NYC To Pay BLM Rioters Nearly $14 Million For Mass Arrests – What About Jan. 6 Rioters?)

Cotton wrapped up:

…it's exactly this kind of radical activism, this anti-Semitic, pro Hamas activism, that are blocking streets and calling out police and firefighting resources. But you have Democrats like  trying to restrain Israel, even after it's been attacked with 300 drones and missiles from , or after October 7th by space, the worst atrocity against Jews since the Holocaust. They're worried about this radical wing of their own party doing this kind of thing now and doing it all through the summer, as you said earlier, and maybe even at their convention this summer as well. It has to end now, and we can absolutely not tolerate this kind of criminal activity. If you want to march around on a sidewalk or in a public park and wave a flag in support of terrorist groups, that's one thing. But to block the flow of traffic on major highways, that is a crime and it has to be stopped immediately.

Thankfully, in Red states like Florida, the police, with strong political backing, are doing their job well.

The poster on X, writes: “Terrorist simps [submissives] learning that FL isn't NY is the best thing you'll see today.” Leftist, pro-Hamas terror sympathizers aren't allowed to block roads there, because a large police presence will be deployed, and the offenders will quickly be physically moved and arrested if needed.

But it's not just there, after delays of up to hours in some cases, protesters were finally arrested in Democrat-run cities and states too, including Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago and even San Francisco.

The question now is: Will they be prosecuted?

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Blue State Passes New Election Law

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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