It was an unusual cable news appearance, to say the least.
During an interview on Newsmax, former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris was giving his analysis on the 2024 Republican presidential primaries ahead of the Iowa caucuses. However, almost immediately, a large man wearing nothing but a wife beater and underwear casually strolled by.
Responding to Newsmax's Rob Schmitt, Morris began his analysis: “Well, I think Trump is going to score a huge victory. I think the media is going to try to downplay it because, as you correctly said,” –
[A man wearing underwear enters the shot.]
– “they're basically supporting Nikki Haley.”
[The man – who is wearing underwear – exits the shot.]
“So they're going to downplay it and they're going to try to say, ‘Oh, he didn't get a majority,' or ‘He got 48%.' But one way or another, this is a huge victory for Donald Trump,” Morris continued, bravely forging ahead.
“And I believe this is going to be a very short presidential race. I think this may be a knockout punch. I think that whoever, I think that after this primary, New Hampshire is going to be heavily for Trump. Nevada always was. South Carolina will be, which I think will be fatal blow to Nikki Haley because she's from there. And then you have March 5th, when 45% of America votes. And I think this will be over faster than a Mike Tyson fight.”
Mediaite's Jamie Frevele has more on the surreal incident:
You know what was longer than a Mike Tyson fight? The amount of time not spent talking about the man in his underwear who apparently had no idea Dick Morris was doing a TV hit in the room he was about to walk through.
Which begs the question: If a man walks through another man's live shot in his underwear and no one mentions it, did it really happen?
It seems Morris, who was once called “the man who has Clinton's ear” by Time magazine, has fallen considerably from his heyday in the mid-90s.