Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fox Anchor Breaks Horrific Life News On Air


This is out of control…

anchor Charles Payne revealed on “Fox & Friends” that his niece was recently shot in Harlem, New York.

Payne said his niece and her friend were shot on the street he grew up on in early May. She was released from the hospital after undergoing four-hour surgery at Harlem Hospital.

“I wish he would go to Harlem. Two Mondays ago, my niece was shot on the street that I grew up on. My niece was shot on the street that I grew up on!” he said. “She doesn't even hang out there; she doesn't live there on the block anymore, but a good friend of mine who I've known for 45 years, her son passed away, and they were having a memorial for him, and so these guys — the gang violence is on the rise so much, it's so underreported — so they come around with their masks, they're shooting crazy, one third floor apartment was all busted up.”


Payne said she is the victim of a gang shooting that she and her friend unintentionally got caught up in. 

“But this gang thing has really been amazing, I had no idea it was this bad. It's really bad,” he continued.

Payne argued the country is “so cracked apart.”

“Our country is really getting so cracked apart where the haves are doing extraordinarily well and again they live in safety and they eat their avocado toast and the rest of us, whether it's in places where the opioid epidemic is out of control or places like — my neighborhood was being gentrified, but this gang thing is really amazing. I had no idea it was this bad,” Payne said.

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Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

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