Democrat Candidates Stay Silent and Refuse to Debate GOP Opponents

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

Democrat candidates have taken a vow of silence across the country.

A new pattern is emerging among Democrat candidates, they are refusing to participate in debates against their Republican opponents. In 's gubernatorial election, Democrat has declined to debate Trump-endorsed candidate . In 's Senate election, Democrat has dodged Dr. 's multiple debate requests. (RELATED: Dem Hailed as Working-Class Hero Lived Off Wealthy Parents Into His Late 40s)

Instead of participating in a traditional debate ahead of November's election, Hobbs has suggested each candidate participate in separate town hall-style forums. However, the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, a state commission that monitors and organizes debates, has refused to grant Hobbs' request.

In a statement explaining her rationale behind refusing to participate in a debate, Hobbs accused Lake of being a conspiracy theorist with a platform intending to derail the state.

According to Fox News:

“Unfortunately, debating a conspiracy theorist like Kari Lake – whose entire campaign platform is to cause enormous chaos and make Arizona the subject of national ridicule – would only lead to constant interruptions, pointless distractions, and childish name-calling,” Hobbs' campaign manager Nicole DeMont said in a statement.

“Arizonans deserve so much better than Kari Lake, and that's why we're confident Katie Hobbs will be elected our next governor,” the statement continued. “We must respectfully decline the invitation.”

Lake has accused Hobbs of intentionally avoiding a debate in hopes of “running out the clock” before voters head to the polls.

“It's becoming clearer everyday [sic] that Hobbs' strategy is to hide from Me, the Press, and the Voters throughout the entirety of this campaign and run out the clock on the people of Arizona,” Lake said in a statement Thursday. “Fortunately, the Clean Elections Commission refused to play into her game and voted down her proposal for a town hall safe space.”

The Arizona gubernatorial election is expected to be one of the most contentious races in the country. The latest poll conducted by Emerson College reported Lake and Hobbs are in a dead heat with 46% each. A majority of voters, 54% expect Lake to win, while 46% expect Hobbs to win the election for governor. (RELATED: Arizona Leaders Respond to Latest Customs and Border Protection Statistics)

Pennsylvania Democrat candidate for Senate, John Fetterman has chosen to hide behind his poor health as an excuse. Fetterman, who suffered a stroke in May, has repeatedly turned down Trump-endorsed celebrity Dr. Oz's repeated debate invitations. The candidate has also largely stayed out of the public eye and steered away from live speaking events.

On Tuesday, Oz and retiring GOP Sen. Pat Toomey held a joint news conference accusing Fetterman of either lying about his health or deliberately trying to dodge debate questions.

“He's either not as well as he claims to be, or he's afraid to be called out for the radical policies he supports,” Sen. Toomey said. “It's one or the other.”

In August, Fetterman pulled out of a planned debate against Dr. Oz, citing the Republican's “mocking” of his stroke.

The Washington Times reported:

“My recovery may be a joke to Dr. Oz and his team, but it's real for me,” Mr. Fetterman, the state's lieutenant governor, said in a statement.

“I will not be participating in a debate the first week of September, but look forward to having a productive discussion about how we can move forward and have a real conversation on this once Dr. Oz and his team are ready to take this seriously,” he added.

The Pennsylvania Senate race is also expected to be one of the more combative races in this election cycle. The latest Susquehanna poll reported Fetterman with a five-point lead over Dr. Oz. (RELATED: Can Republicans Retake the Senate? Here's Where Things Stand)

The survey reported Dr. Oz is currently trailing with GOP supporters but is leading with constituencies that have the potential to swing the election in the Republican's favor.

Democrats' outright refusal to participate in debates is especially shocking considering the left's furious reaction to the canceled presidential debate in 2020.

Will these Democrats manage to grow a backbone and face their opponents or manage to hide in the shadows until November?

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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance


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    Orange peel

    Democrats are all liars! They never tell the truth so they call Republicans candidates names, lie and are just plain disgusting. Biden has trained them well to be unamerican traitors.


    When you are corrupt and stupid the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut so your useful idiots never wake up from their stuper.


    blab lots of nothing until it’s time to speak substance. . .barring that, silence is the only solution. . .until, god willing, enterprising opponents turn their own words back on them. . .’social’ justice!


    They are COWARDS Plain and simple they know they will be torn apart is the even try to debate


    The Biden take on Ali’s Rope-a-dope. Just sit in your basement and let everyone speculate about what you are going to do in office. If anyone asks, tell them Republicans are traitors and you have come to save them, with unity and money. All of your constituents will be paid equitably while Republicans will be punished, oh wait, don’t tell them that until after you are elected.
    When bombarded by questions from the media, run away.
    Send your surrogates to speculate about what you might do to all the evening news programs and let them amplify your non-message, message.
    Put social media insiders on speed dial and give them tantalizing leaks of important, privileged information and insinuate that they should spread your gospel while suppressing everyone else’s.
    Then just before the election, declare an emergency that will make it mandatory for all mail in voting since you have made sure all of your voters have ballots but not spent any time making sure anyone else does.
    Sounds like a plan.

    Gus Richards

    Well, there is no law that requires candidates to agree to debate, so there is little that can be done about it. Of course I have my doubts about just how effective those debates really are, all that’s actually done is the politicians repeat their views on a subject, regardless of what the question happens to be. Not agreeing to “debate” leads people to think that there is either something wrong with them, or their hiding something they don’t want made public.

    Stacy M

    It seems that the Democrat socialist strategy is now to hide from the voters. They don’t want their campaign proposals to be scrutinized or their personal integrity to come under examination. They want to be able to insult and lie about Republicans (with the help of a complicit press) without opposition. Their hope is to convince the voters that the Republicans are evil subhumans without ever having to reveal their plans for power should they be elected.


    It worked for dopey joe; every time he opened his mouth, he lost more votes.


    If a candidate can not debate the issues then I would never vote for them. No matter the party, the seat, the race, no talk no vote. What are they trying to hide since dems never do anything but lie anyway. But they surely stick together as a party as though not a one of them are capable of an original thought. Red wave rolling!


    SCARED Cor*upt yapping puppies and Democrat Communist Crim*nal Politicians (Pols) Yes DEM POL DIRT & they are all Yapping like the RINO dog Liz Cheney Nancy Pelosi’s pet poodle on a Dem Dog Leash.

    Democrat Corrupt Pols are AFRAID to debate REAL POLITICIANS & cannot defend their horrendous crimes against America & ALL her Legal Citizens. They are ALL GUILTY& they know it. No defense for the Destruction of America & HUNTING Your Children monsters ALL causing the Destruction of America
    And they know it does not matter now BECAUSE their own voters & EVERY LEGAL HONEST VOTER in America Can Smell their Dem Commie stench now.
    Only the crim*nals rap*ng stealing burning RIOTING & mud*ring Crim*nals both Illeg*l & domestic (monsters all) So legal American voters are SICK OF All this Democrat encouraged & egged on madness of constant crime terror & hate while the Rich Smug DEM POL DIRT use Taxpayer money to pay guards with weapons to DEFEND just These Rich Cheat*ng DEM Political Dirt & ONLY them while America & her Legal Citizens are bleeding.
    FIGHT BACK AMERICA for your innocent children & all legal American Citizens


    The Biden Basement Dweller plan worked for Fraud Joe because the 2020 election was stolen.

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