Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Group Offering ‘Bounties’ for Whereabouts of Conservative Justices


A far-left group is offering rewards to anyone who knows the whereabouts of conservative justices.

ShutDownDC tweeted the announcement today. The group will pay out $50 to anyone who can report a confirmed sighting of John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh or Clarence Thomas. It will pay tipsters $200 if the justice or justices sighted are still there half an hour later.

As the Washington Examiner reports:

All six of the justices being targeted ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization that Mississippi can maintain its law banning after 15 weeks of gestation on June 24.

On Wednesday night, Kavanaugh was forced to exit through a back door while dining in downtown Washington after abortion rights protesters showed up.

Twitter, the platform on which ShutDownDC announced its “bounty,” does not allow users to “engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”

ShutDownDC previously held a protest against the Supreme Court on June 13, one of the court's decision days. The group's protest, titled “Shut Down SCOTUS,” intended to blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to protest against the impending decision regarding Roe v. Wade.

Authorities arrested an armed man near the Maryland home of Justice Kavanaugh last month. Prosecutors have since charged him with the attempted murder of a United States judge.

ALN Staff
ALN Staff
ALN Staff is a dedicated group of liberty-minded professionals available 24/7 to keep you informed on the news that matters.


  1. Track them down and fine them 100,000 dallars plus 10 years in prison. GOD BLESS A FREE THINKING USA

  2. Whoever is responsible for this type of threatening behavior towards our justices needs to be arrested, charged, found guilty, and put in jail for a few years. The left has gone too far with their violent behavior and it’s time to a stop to these fascist activities.

    • Interesting article, very disconcerting, but where’s the other half of the article? Where’s the part about the FBI smashing down these people’s doors in the early morning, parading them in their underwater on their front lawns by cops with automatic weapons pointed at them while their house is torn apart and their electronic devices taken away? Oh, that’s not happening? Huh

  3. Whoever is responsible for this type of threatening behavior towards our justices needs to be arrested, charged, found guilty, and put in jail for a few years. The left has gone too far with their violent behavior and it’s time to put a stop to these fascist activities.

    • The fbi is not interested. They are more concerned with law-abiding parents, exercising their 1st amendment rights, speaking out against commie school board members.

    • I think this dwarfs J6. If J6 was successful this total disregard for the rule of law and the cobstitution of the United States of America wouldn’t happen. The American government was overthrown by the socialist that continue to dismantle America and make a mockery of everything. This is treason and a direct attack on what is left of America. A Marxist revolution is an act of war.

  4. Every Conservative in the country needs to send them a shout-out where the justices or and break the jerk’s bank and then prosecute them.

  5. these creepy groups all need to be jailed i guess us true Americans will have to make a stand real soon

  6. Can you imagine the moral outrage the libs would be expressing if something like this were done to left-wing justices?

  7. I’m sure that if these targeted justices would put out a call for a thousand armed patriots to show up for their protection they would get ten thousand show up. Punch a punk in the nose and they cry and run off to auntie.

  8. FJB and those that think they can intimidate America. When murderers are allowed to rule, that is the current democrat party. The 2A was made for this time and they will find out how true that is and rue the day they tried to bring tyranny to America. There is no language strong enough to denounce these traitors.

    • The cancer in America is the socialist Democrat party and those who support it.

      A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

    • They have no moral grounds to stand on now. J6 trials need to stop. Let the prisoners go. This is a direct attack on America and the constitution of the United States of America. A total disregard for the rule of law. No words should ever be spoken by the Left of questionable behavior of conservitives. The Left has proven themselves time and time again to be emotionally unstable and should never be allowed to hold public office ever again. The United States government was overthrown and needs to be reestablished and these people punished to the full extent of the law without due process with the same respect that was given to the J6 protesters. They should lose their privilage to live in the country they hate. They don’t want to be here and we don’t want them here. Sounds like something we can all agree on. We can help them find their socialist paradise already up and running.

  9. Maybe it is time to start doxxing the folks of “SHUTDOWNDC” so we all know where its coming from.

    • We know where it’s coming from, the communist liberals who live in our nations capitol that we tax payers no longer have a right to address our grievances to our government .

  10. These people are an infection to the democratic process, and anyone who gives out the Judges personal information without premission should be tried for interferance of the Judicial process through any form of intimidation

  11. Oh NOOOO! They won’t be prosecuted for terroristic threats against Justices because the terrorists are all DemonCrats. Back in college there was SDS, ‘Students for Democratic Society.’ Watching their demented antics, we used to call them ‘Sandbox Dictatorship Society.’ It sounds as if little has changed.

  12. I once knew a teacher who said she could envision blood all over the Principal’s Office. She was arrested for terrorist threats and activities. Why are the members of ShutDownDC not being treated in the same manner as that teacher? The Department Of Justice and/or The Military should be all over ShutDownDC and prosecuting them for instigating an insurrection and/or a Patriot’s Revolution to protect The American Way Of Life, The Three Branches Of Government and The United States Of America. It Is obvious that the Leftist Communists who are presently in charge are doing everything they can to destroy OUR NATION!!!
    Since the SCOTUS is being threatened over abortion it seems only proper to Abort All Nazi Communist Leftist Hateful-Democrats prior to the Midterm Elections!!
    Stay Safe, Stay Well And Know Those Who Are Around You!!

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