The United States has been officially stating that Russia could invade Ukraine at any time and might create a surprise pretext ‘false flag' excuse for an attack.
Meanwhile, the U.S. has reaffirmed it will defend “every inch” of NATO territory. Sadly, Ukraine is only a NATO ‘partner' state, not an official NATO member nation. (RELATED: Biden Threatens to Stop Russia's Gas Pipeline to Europe if Putin Invades Ukraine – After Waiving Trump Sanctions Against Same Pipeline)
Russia, of course has accused the U.S. and Europe of hysteria while providing its citizens substantial disinformation via its state-controlled propaganda organs.
However, with fears of an ‘imminent' Russian invasion – possibly this week – America and NATO appear resigned to the worst. (RELATED: Are Russian Warships Preparing to ‘Blockade' Ukraine?)
The two additional graphics below show the latest Russian troop deployments in and around Ukraine, and potential attack scenarios for Russian forces, if they do invade. (RELATED: Putin's Ukrainian Insurgency Concern)
When this story began to be developed, the President of Ukraine said that there was no reason to be concerned. That Russia had maneuvers yearly.
I think it might be a case of the failing Biden government trying to take interest off their failures by going after war!